An Unexpected Arrival

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Harry Potter was always aware that his life was never going to be normal, but as much as he wishes that his existence would be given a break after defeating the dark lord at 18, things spiraled out of control way too quickly for Harry to organize his thoughts. He thought this profession would be harmless, for Merlin's sake it's a researching job. However life throws a hurdle in his plans as he now travels through the veil and apparently isn't dying. He now is currently falling for an indefinite time.

 At the beginning Harry was freaking the fuck out. Now he is as calm as a person could possibly be in this situation and conjured himself a nice thermos full of hot tea, he takes a generous sip and just stares out into the milky haze that surrounds him. Harry has no idea how much time has passed but by now he has started wondering if he continues falling at this pace then he might not survive the landing even if he survives the Veil. Did he survive the Veil because he conquered the deathly hallows, was it because he was too close to the veil on the winter solstice, is it perhaps both, or even neither and just some freak event. At this point of life Harry doesn't know and quite frankly can't bring himself to care as he could just cheat out of death like nobody's business.

 As he was in the middle of a generous sip of his tea, he noticed that his descent was slowing down. Suddenly alert he readied his phoenix core wand, prepared to hex anything ready to pop out. A suddenly bright flash and a pop later, Harry found himself in a deserted street surrounded by rubble. Disoriented from the light, Harry didn't notice that he wasn't in his world or even in America. He steadied his wand and noticed that the handle was completely different from his holly wand. Glancing down it was the deathly hallows wand, on his hand laid the resurrection ring.

 Deciding that it was a problem for later he looked the rubble for any potential enemies or civilians in need or injured. Harry wandered down the street, ears enhanced with a simple wandless spell to help him locate anyone. A slight shift from behind a rubble pile had his attention snapping to it in a split second, he was about to send a hex when he noticed it was a muggle climbing over the rubble. He quickly hid his wand in his holster and looked questionably at her, the muggles eyes widened at seeing Harry and shouted "There's a child here, send a medic!". Harry looked confused at the word child and had a sudden realization that most of his disorientation wasn't from the light flashing from the Veil but rather him suddenly being de-aged to a thirteen year old. His slight stumbling and weird positioning on his wand was an indicator enough but Harry had more on his mind than why he suddenly felt weird in everything he does. Miraculously his clothes were shrunken with him so it doesn't look like he was wearing Dudleys clothing.

An EMT shortly arrived and began preforming a haste check up to check for broken bones and any other life threatening injuries, Harry was mostly fine with only a few scratches from the rubble and a mild sprain in his ankle from stumbling into an unstable pile of stones. The EMT quickly bandaged the ankle and rushed off to find any other people that were injured but did inform Harry to try and keep off that ankle as much as possible.Harry simply stared at the bandage, shrugged and followed the rising voices of other people that he could hear. As Harry lost himself in the crowd, he began to think about what was going on and what he needs to do.

 First business is to check weather the Veil works both ways to see if he can return if not then Harry will need to get those great acting skills of his to start doing their magic as he probably going to need to do some paperwork and legalization as his suspiciously blank card might raise some eyebrows when he left the face of the Earth at 11. Lost in thought and all the possible future headaches that Harry will experience, he bumped into some guy and nearly fell however he got caught before he touched the unstable ground. Apologizing and looking up Harry saw that the man was wearing shades in the cloudy weather and concluded that the man was probably blind and if not then one of those rich muggles he saw on TV. Now feeling even worse for nearly plowing into a person who probably can't see, quickly asked if he was okay and after being reassured that he was okay they idly talked to pass the time as the others were being looked after medically.

 Harry asked discreetly about his world and seeing if there were any influences here such as his godfather and when the man simply looked confused and asked who he was,Harry knew that either this man doesn't listen to any of the news in the past ten years or this is a different world. Now the question is if this world even has any magical influence. There are magical streams so Harry would be able to channel his magic, in fact a few of these streams seems to be easier to manipulate than those in Britain so he would be able to do a few spells without his wand but with much less control but would do if his life was being threatened and without a wand at hand.Together the man and himself were walking with the group and slowly after clearing the area and the woman that Harry saw at the beginning speak into a radio that she was holding, they started to move out out of the city where the civilians that got out in time evacuated. Harry was herded with the group and observed as other groups of people were handed radios and were split up to do different jobs. He himself started to walk over and volunteer his help before he saw the confused looks of the other people. Harry then sat down on the ground and waited until someone in charge directed them to do something.

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