꧁•⊹٭𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢:𝟷𝟽٭⊹•꧂

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You could just shake your head in disbelief. You felt a big weight left your shoulders and the most beautiful smile grazed your lips. You jumped up and hugged your Aunt and Maria as well as the scary-looking lady, who gently hugged you back.

Unbeknownst to you, her somber gaze met your aunt's wary eyes discreetly over your head. A secret conversation was going on between them, but your happiness was so contagious that Maria was clapping her hands exuberantly.

""Gracias... Muchas gracias, Señora. Ana-"Thank you... Thank you so much, Senora. Ana-" you whisper against her chest.

You will be so filled with joy if the visions leave for good. You can't wait to be a normal teenager. Maybe when you can soul-blind Yeonjun for a year, or more your joy will be complete. You won't worry about soulmate problems and you can secretly love him from afar. Yeonjun can carry on with his fabulous life and the system can freely let you meet him whenever you feel it's time for him to 'see' you. But you are not so sure if you would want him to 'see' you.

You would like to go to University, get a good job, and maybe when you are over 25 years old you can think about dating. The prospect of that ideal dream makes you smile.

She just looked down at you with a soft look in her eyes, ""Estoy honrado de ayudar a su familia Luna. Esta maldición fue atormentadora. Pero ahora tienes que prepararte para conocer a tu alma gemela. El oráculo seguirá queriendo reclamarte por sí mismo. La poción estará ahí para 'alma-ciego' a él. No tengas miedo de que salga bien. "I'm honored to help your family Luna. This curse was torturous. But now you must get ready to meet your soulmate. The oracle will still want to claim you for himself. The potion will be there to ' soul-blind' him. Don't fear it will work out. "

You turned to look at your aunt, whose eyes were watery. She made the Shaman pledge never to tell anyone about the Oracle's agreement. A cruel exchange: life for life. Aunt Ines pressed her lips together. She will not allow Luna to make such a decision. But what worries her is if the visions reappear.

But Luna already knows that the Oracle will take its time leaving her. She will continue to see visions until she makes a decision or someone else does.

You and Maria went down the stairs to eat, while your Aunt stayed behind to assist in cleaning up the room. Senora Ana inhaled deeply as she peered with apprehension into Aunt Ines's cautious eyes.

" Señora Ines, no podemos mantenerlo oculto por mucho tiempo. Luna seguirá teniendo visiones horribles. Si alguna vez se encuentra con su alma gemela. Será un infierno viviente para ellos. No supongo que una Luna como una niña rechace el amor apasionado y seleccione el regalo del Shaman para su generación, como lo hizo una de su Generación. Todos deseaban amar y ser amados a cambio".Senora Ines, we can't keep it hidden for long. Luna will continue to have gory visions. If she ever meets her soulmate. It will be a living hell for them. I don't suppose a child-like Luna will reject passionate love and select the Shaman's gift for her generation, just as one in your generation did. They all desired to love and be loved in return." Senora Ana appeared somber.

""Mi sobrina sufrió tanto, señora Ana."My grand niece suffered so much Senora Ana," Aunt Ines murmured,"Quiero que se sienta cómoda un poco más. Lo que ella no sabe no la va a matar. Ella es consciente de que el oráculo seguirá dando sus visiones por el momento. Como resultado, ella es consciente de los sueños y las imágenes aterradoras que están por ocurrir". I want her to be comfortable for a little bit longer. What she doesn't know isn't going to kill her. She is aware that the Oracle will continue to give her visions for the time being. As an outcome, she is cognizant of the dreams and the terrifying images that are about to occur."Aunt Ines seems resolved not to expose the demands to Luna.

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