16 | The Guardian of the Walls

Start from the beginning

I spotted the woman with tresses of red running to our direction, tears streaking her cheeks.

"Oh God! Help! They just barged in the room! Krian's been taken by a group of old vampires!" She screamed pointing to her left where Taylor began to shout for Krian's name like a madman. I looked around the area and saw the two guards I have assigned to protect them were dead on the spot; blood pooling from their bodies.

"Shit! It's the Advisers Yuri has warned me about. They made a move already. Get everyone and tell them to stop those old bastards! The girl with white hair should be protected!" My father commanded and a group of Sanguis Hunters, a special group of warriors of the Kingdom, assembled quickly and chased after them. They wore their royal black combat suits with swords prepared to tear any enemy apart. They lack of emotion on their faces and were pumped with conviction with the way they held themselves.

"Son, tell the maids to pack your things. Take one of my jets and get out of here. They know she's here." He pushed me away and began to bark more orders around the halls. Vampires began to get frantic.

"Come on, Andros! I think they wanna kill Krian!" Solstice tugged on my shirt. I shook my head and nodded.

"Let's go!"

A couple of minutes passed and we drove to the tarmac. A plane was already being prepared and the royal guards waved at us as soon as we got out of the car.

"Hurry!" A flight attendant grabbed our bags and whizzed back to the plane.

"Where's Krian? They should be here by now. Oh God! What if they took her away for good?!" Solstice began to cry again but I pulled her to me.

"They will be fine. My father has the finest warriors in the land." I promised and she buried her face on my chest. I didn't mind getting my shirt wet as long as she calms down. Three more cars screeched to a halt near us and the girl in my arms jumped away from me.

"Red, get behind me." I told her, using the nickname I have been dying to use on her. She didn't comment or maybe she couldn't. She obeyed my command and hid behind me.

"Where is she?" I demanded the passengers of the cars. I don't smell the scent of Krian or Taylor. They have followed us here. The passenger's door of the first car opened and out came an elderly man dressed in a fine black suit with a dark blue tie. His hair was white and his eyes were blue. He fixed his suit as he smirked at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snarled. The old man chuckled.

"You do not know who I am, boy?" He taunted me. My nails grew into sharp claws, preparing for any assault to come our way.

"You clearly do not know who you are talking to." I challenged him. He only chuckled.

"You should never take your place as the King of Vampires. You are a traitorous bastard who took in a girl cursed to kill everyone with her voice." He began to approach me. I stood my ground while I felt Solstice take a deep breath.

"Oh? You also took a useless human? How pathetic of you, Andros. You really can just shine on your own when you're surrounded by pathetic souls."

"Who the fuck are you?!" I began to demand him. All doors of the three cars opened and out came large men with guns pointed towards us.

"I am Luka, the Superior Adviser of the Vampire Royal Court. You are the reason why I lost everything and now, I will take your purpose in life so no one will ever believe that you have what it takes to be the Vampire King." He laughed maniacally while he turned to look at his goons who were ready to shoot us.

"Andros..." Solstice tugged at the back of my shirt. Her voice shook and I could feel the tremble by the way she held onto me.

"Red, do as I say. Close your eyes and trust me."

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