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the second selection, neo egoist league was about to start and (name) observed all the boys through the many monitor screens ego has in his office. he sees all the boys with determined faces and (name) was glad but whenever he visits the german stratum, kaiser kept on teasing him and annoying him as well as flirting with him. it really pisses him off a bit but, he was slowly getting used to it.

(name) had met all of the coaches. such as noa, loki, snuffy, chris and lavinho. they were all interesting quite really. chris was so.. bright. that's all (name) could say while lavinho was very eccentric and open minded to new ideas. (name) liked that as well. loki was a sweet guy with a soft smile. noa and (name) didn't really spoke much other than staring and staring but, they both liked each other. snuffy was quite nice too. all of them were pretty sweet.

the neo egoist league was finally starting and (name) found himself walking around in the german stratums halls again. the door in front of (name) slid open as he paused when he saw that ness. ah, sweet ness. (name) thought ness was okay but he could tell by a mile away that ness got some obsessive behavior issues.

how did (name) know this? well it was because when (name) talked to kaiser, ness would always be clinging onto kaiser or just genuinely near kaiser all the time. everywhere (name) went and if he saw kaiser, he would see ness there with kaiser too with that smile of his that was quite soft.

"ah. (name). nice to see you again!" ness greeted. since (name) could speak german, ness didn't have to use the translators in his ears. that was a good thing cause it did hurt a bit always having to use them for long hours. (name) tucked his hands into his pockets and nodded at ness's words only letting out a 'hmm.'

(name) and ness chatted a bit. surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as it was. well, ness did all the talking while (name) being (name), only let out soft noises such as, 'hm.' or just was deadpan silent as he allowed ness to do most of the talking. it was rather peaceful till kaiser walked out of the boy's locker room only wearing boxers and a towel.

kaiser smirked and waved at ness and (name) with that usual smug look. "do you like what you see?"  kaiser teased as he nudged (name)'s side. (name)'s tongue hit the roof of his mouth making a 'tch' noises as he felt a bit irritated, but decided to play along with kaiser's little game here.

"i don't know. maybe i do like what i'm seeing."  (name) replied and he crossed his arms over his chest. a slight smirk appearing on his usually cold and blank face as he saw ness and kaiser blink in surprise when (name) had flirted back with kaiser. ness was trying to process as it while kaiser smirked, a light pink hue dusting over his cheeks when (name) flirted back.

so now, ness was watching as (name) and kaiser flirt and banter with each other with smug faces. kaiser hasn't even change yet and was still just in his boxers with a towel on his shoulder. to be honest, ness felt jealous but he didn't know who to feel jealous of actually. he liked kaiser but he also liked (name) too. the choice was difficult for ness.

of course, (name) and kaiser's little flirting session had to come to an end because noa came over with a usual stern look on his face. he bluntly said that the next match was starting match was starting and then, just left. kaiser sighed slightly in disappointment that his little flirting with (name) but a match is a match that must go on.

kaiser and ness waved (name) goodbye and (name) could only nod in reply. as kaiser and ness got ready for the match against fc barcha, kaiser felt quite giddy as (name) had finally flirted back with him after his many, many failed attempt to get (name). it was somewhat, finally happening. 

while the bastard munchen and fc barcha match was happening, (name) decided to just relax for a while before he got back to working. (name) walked passed the french startrum and saw a grumpy looking rin and a very smug shidou. rin had his arms crossed over his chest and looked rather irked while shidou stood beside rin before running and jumping onto (name).

"(name)~!" shidou called out with a singsong voice as he jumped onto (name), making them nearly fall onto the floor. (name) grunted as shidou's weight was put on him. he tried to push shidou off but shidou wouldn't let go and he clung around (name). he was nuzzling his face into the crook of (name)'s neck. very bold.

(name) still continued to try to get shidou off him but he paused when he took a notice of rin's slightly irritated and jealous expression when he saw shidou and (name) like that. it irked him for some reason and he didn't like that. rin's body basically moved on its own and pulled shidou off (name) roughly. making shidou go face down onto the floor.

shidou groaned and rubbed his nose. rin looked down at shidou and they both glare at each other for a moment. rin then turned to face (name) who was awkwardly standing there. "..why haven't you visit our stratum yet? why are you always going to the german stratum?" rin asked quietly and bluntly.

"yeah! it's not fair (name)! visit us too!" shidou whined as he got up and pouted. going to go cling onto (name) again but rin stopped shidou and they look like they were going to beat each other up honestly. should (name) do something about it to stop the situation or no? (name) thought about it for a moment before shrugging. he was a manager here and he had to make sure everyone was in check but whatever. loki could stop them anyways.

i got chocolates from a girl yesterday, will i finally have a girlfriend after being a single teenage boy for all my life?? i think i'd probably still be single BUT ANYWAYS, here is the chap for u guys, i have an exam on monday, not cool frfr

published: 29/7/2023

1058 words

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