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as the second half continued with niko getting a yellow card, shidou and sae doing a goal together then shidou trying to flirt with sae to get his number. (name) was already done with this. it was a slowly but surely process.

(name) glanced when he saw chigiri and niko falling down to the ground due to leg cramps and a sprained ankle. causing ego to make a 'hmph' noise and adjust his glasses. saying that the balance was broken and it was time to make substitutions.

anri nodded and asked ego who was going in but ego just shrugged and told (name) to pick. (name)'s eyebrows raised when ego said that. ego just gave (name) the most dead face ever and said, "you're the genius here. not me. you choose."

(name) rolled his eyes at ego's antics. but, he was going to do his job as he stood up and observed the players on the bench or in otherwise, substitutions. but he was able to make his decision soon after some thought. "hiori, reo. your up." (name) said, hiori and reo immediately stood up and took their coats off and went to the field.

the commentor's began to announce the substitutions, "no. four, chigiri hyoma and no. three, niko ikki are being subbed out for no. fourteen, mikage reo and no. sixteen, hiori yo are taking their places!" the commenter said as both reo and hiori congratulated chigiri and niko before running on the field.

once reo and hiori were on the field, ego asked (name) a simple question. "why reo and hiori?", (name) scoffed at the thought of ego asking him such an irrelevant question but, answered anyway.

"hiori's passes. reo's defense." (name) simply stated. giving the most dry and dead response ever as everyone looked at him with a lips pressed into a thin line except ego. "typical (name)" anri mumbled and held onto her tablet.

chigiri walked passed both ego and (name) who were sitting together than ego called out to the teary eyed chigiri. "..hey. what's with that face?" ego asked and lifted his head up to look at chigiri. his eyes cold and unfeeling like it always is.

"you got a problem with the substitutions (name) made, chigiri hyoma?" ego asked as chigiri glared at ego, trying to hold back his tears. (name) sat back in his chair, just observing and listening to ego's cold and rough words when niko sat down and drank water while chigiri hunched his back and covered his eyes with his hand with tears falling down chigiri's pale cheeks.

the game continued on like normal till ego's eyes darkened and (name) squinted his eyes when they both saw shidou entering the flow. the crowd just got louder and louder as (name) scrunched his face up due to the noise.

anri began to ask ego and (name) what they were going to do, and when ego responded saying that he got nothing, anri began yelling. (name) just sighed and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. 

"ego-san! (name)-san!" isagi called out and ran over to them. a look of slight panic in his eyes as he asked, "we're fighting like how you've instructed us, and it's still not enough. tell me, how can we win?" isagi said as sweat rolled down his cheek and he looked at ego for an answer.

and when ego said that blue lock had already won. saying that even though he and (name) would probably be banned from football, not that (name) cared though. football wasn't in his best interest anyways. so even though (name) and ego would disappear, the blue lock boy's wouldn't.

isagi's eyebrows twitch in annoyance and slight frustration when he heard ego said such words. they had all come a long way and ego was just basically telling them to give up in his point of view. "who the fuck cares about that.. i don't give a shit." isagi cursed as ego looked up in surprise, anri's eyes widening and (name)'s attention on isagi.

"not about the future of japanese football nor about some safe future for me.. what i- what we want, is to win this game. the future doesn't matter. losing here is the same as dying. we are not going to accept death just yet. i only care about being the best in the world." isagi hissed as he clenched his hand. isagi's fingernails dug into the palm of his hand as he glared at ego again.

isagi's eyes were burning with a passion to win and a desire to become the best in the world. (name) see's today that the blue lock player's definitely had something better than he did. (name) had all the knowledge in the world he could possibly want but he would never have a motivation like they did.

"make us win you shitty four-eyes. this ego is what you taught me." isagi finishes with his eyes glowing. ego huffed and adjusted his glasses. "it's your turn, barou shoei." ego said as the angry and irritated barou sat there. "im sick and tired of waiting, you fucking scrub." barou said in his usual grumpy voice. but he sounded like he was going to kill someone today.

the way i had to google translate a few words because idk what other words are there since english isn't my first language, embarrassing frfr

published: 10/7/2023

885 words

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