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shidou and (name) were walking in the hallways to go to sae's vehicle and go to the u-20 training camp. In one hand, (name) held a carry on bag with a few of his clothes and on the other was a grumpy looking shidou. 

(name) got shidou out of the punishment room but he kept shidou tied up and was dragging shidou by his hair. shidou yelled out loud protest since he wanted to get this thing off his mouth but (name) had his noise cancellation on so he didn't really hear nor cared.

shidou had the most annoying voice (name) has heard yet. he kept on screeching and saying lewd stuff about (name)'s body so (name) ended up tying a cloth to shidou's face and shidou was quite flushed. he found it quite hot not gonna lie that (name) told him to shut up while tying that cloth to his lips.

perhaps shidou was just into guys that are serious, cold and rude. (name) stopped outside when he saw sae's car and driver. (name) could see that sae was in the passengers seat while the driver opened the door for (name) and shidou.

(name) roughly pushed shidou's tied up body and sae turned around to see a wide eyed shidou who still had a cloth on his lips and was making muffling noises to (name) then he glanced to see a slightly irritated (name) that had grabbed a book out of his carry on bag.

sae knew, this car ride will not go smoothly. the car soon begin to drive off and sae was playing on his phone while (name) read his book. shidou was shuffling in his seat constantly and much to (name)'s disappointment, shidou was able to bite the cloth off his lips. a grin on his face as he looked at (name) and sae.

shidou was bugging (name) the entire ride there needless to say. he had a stupid grin on his face while saying the dumbest things (name) had ever heard. he poked (name)'s cheeks as he was trying to get (name) to look and pay attention to him.

(name)'s eyes twitch and he sighed. slamming the book close and gave shidou a flat, "what." shidou felt like he was on cloud nine. he looked like a thirteen year old girl that just met her favorite kpop idol as he giggled.

sae was trying to keep his shit together while the driver was sweating and glancing at (name) and shidou from time to time. shidou here, had brought up a random topic being "do you pour milk first or the cereal first in the bowl?" and now he and (name) were having a debate on who's right and who's wrong.

shidou was technically just yelling shit and (name) was retorting back and giving the longest and most mind consuming reasons ever. sae can't wait for this to be over. nevermind, he told them both to shut up like he was a dad telling his kids that he was going to turn this car around if they didn't stop fighting.

(name) and shidou got quiet but glared staggers at each other. (name) reminded shidou of rin. it was like they were the same but (name) was just the hotter and smarter version. the rest of the car ride was quiet for about five minutes till shidou decided that he was still going to annoy (name).

the entire car ride was (name) and shidou debating about the most random and pointless things and sae telling them to shut up. though at some point shidou started to annoy sae as well and sae just told him to go annoy (name).

after that, it got quiet. much to sae's surprise. he turned around to see if anything was wrong and there, (name) was sleeping with a book over his face and his arms crossed while shidou thought it would be a good idea to join (name)'s nap.

shidou rested his head on (name)'s broad shoulders and his arms snaked around one of (name)'s arms. he was clinging onto to (name) like a patch of mold as he closed his eyes to sleep too. sae sighed at the sight before turning away. at least there won't be much noise now.

finally arriving to the u-20 training camp, (name) had to untie shidou from all that before shoving shidou to go with sae to change clothings. (name) was patiently waiting for the two boys to come out of the changing room.

(name) and shidou sat down together at the back while sae was at the front. the coach was just talking as shidou picked his nose making (name)'s face scrunch up before (name) looked away from shidou. his eyes going back to the book that he didn't finish earlier in the car.

he felt whispers going around them as shidou and (name) were called 'sae's tag alongs.' (name) just shrugged it off. he didn't really care what else happened honestly but he was quite amused at sae's words when sae said shit about how he wasn't interested in any of them.

sae finished up on what he had to say towards the u-20 team and then, one of the u-20 members, sendou, tried to stand up due to sae's rude words but sae just made the guy look like a total embarrassment. (name) shuts his book to listen to all the things sae had to say with a blank facial expression.

(name) paused when he saw shidou smacking sendou's face flat down onto the table when sendou tried to deny sae's words. (name) grunted at the sight as the coach as well as other u-20 members got mad at shidou. 

when all the chaos was happening, sae and (name) were just standing there. watching the entire scene before the u-20's defender, oliver aiku, was able to pin shidou down. once that was settled, the u-20 team turned to look at (name). some of them asking who he was before the coach took a look at (name)'s blank face.

the coach's eyes widened in surprise was he recognized (name) as sae walked over and stood behind (name). his eyes glaring at everyone before he spoke, "..you must be some stupid people if you don't know who he is. this is (name). the current acting grand scribe of the world's most prestigious institute." sae explained while most of the player's eyes widened.

(name) didn't think that it was necessary for sae to introduce him like that but at least he was going to be respected by the team now. aiku smirked as he kept his hand on shidou's head and looked at (name).

"so you're some type of big brain? alright.." aiku said as he and (name) stared at each other. (name) was kinda wishing that he was still at blue lock. he wondered how the boys are doing in their training for the upcoming match. he hopes they are well.


published: 2/7/2023

1141 words

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