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(name) watches the teams one by one play the match against the team world 5 with a slightly pained expression. especially rin's team because rin seemed so confident at first then was absolutely demolished by the world 5.

needless to say, after watching all of that, (name) and ego went on a little business meeting with some people about how pricy the blue lock project is and they were just complaining and complaining. (name) honestly couldn't care less. he was getting paid. so whatever.

(name) just puts his noise cancelling earphones on and didn't give a damn whatever they said. when he and ego got back, ego made the third selection second task to be language studies. ego forced (name) to help the boys study since (name) studied languages during his days in the akademiya. 

so (name) dragged his tired ass all the way to where rin's team is at. he stopped by the door and took a tiny peek in to see what the fuck is going on in there. (name) doesn't know if he should be surprised or not because he isn't.

"tyusu! tousu! doosu! does that sound right?" aryu asked while making those weird noises which (name) assumed that aryu was trying to pronounce 'tuesday'. while tokimitsu was asking or more of beggin rin to help them with english, "hey, teach us rin.. your all we've got!"

(name) smirks in pure amusement when he saw rin with an irritated expression while holding his head with a stressed look and saying that he wasn't their personal tutor in a dark voice. rin finally snapped when bachira's broken english spoke, "ai kyan flyday!"

bachira said with a bright smile as he threw a paper airplane at rin and it hits rin's ear. rin was done with their bullshit it seems as he grabbed a book and threw it at bachira while yelling, "enough is enough! i can't take it anymore! how long are they going to make us do this for?!"

rin was trying to get bachira to smack him it seems but was stopped by tokimitsu that grabbed rin's waist and begging rin to stop. then there's aryu who just said "ow, i bit my tongue". meanwhile isagi was just staring at them while listening to music. finally, (name) leaned against the door and his tongue hit the roof of his mouth, making a 'tch' noise that caught the boy's attention.

"are you five done yet?" (name) said and gave them a deadpan expression. he took his back off the door and walked over to them. then just sat down. pulling a book out to read. bachira was apologizing in english but stopped when (name) sat down.

bachira smiled widely and jumped onto (name). greeting him while saying things in english and (name) just continued to correct bachira while tokimitsu pulled the angry rin down. rin grunted in annoyance and crossed his arms as he glared at bachira.

but rin was pleasantly surprise when (name) actually began correcting bachira's broken and wrong english in the correct way. rin didn't know (name) can speak english. aryu was still saying whatever that is though.

isagi took his earphones out and looked name) curiously while getting off the bed and sitting down beside (name). "hey (name), where did you learn english?" isagi asked while tilting his head. 

(name) just explained about how he studied semiotics in a prestigious academia. saying that its required to know at least twenty languages before being able to graduate making the boys jaw drop. except rin of course. rin kept a blank face but he was a bit surprise that it was a necessary to be able to speak that many.

rin mostly only knew japanese and english probably. (name) was on a different level. bachira and isagi looked at (name) with admiration while aryu was saying that (name) was so stylish. (name) being (name) didn't really care till the screen in the room spoke.

"all members who will advance to the third selection have now been gathered. please promptly put on your bib uniforms and gather in the central joint room." after hearing that, (name) ordered the boys to go change. (name) was probably going there as well so he stood up to leave.

the boys waved (name) goodbye. except rin. he just gave (name) a glance with those sharp, teal eyes of his. (name) just nods and soon walked away to go meet all the players that had advanced there.

i am so so so sorry for everyone who has waited for me to update this book. i've finished my hiatus a while ago but my wattpad acc logged out of my pc and i forgot the password. it took me a while to remember and i just genuinely have been going through issues. i'll try to update now!!

published: 27/6/2023

793 words

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