Super Shy

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"Oh my god, oh my god, ohmyyyyy ... HE'S HERE!!"

The voice belonged to none other than the One and only Sunoo who was currently gushing over someone to his best friend, Jake.

"I know I told you to come because he would be here but you don't have to destroy my earss," Jake complained while rolling his eyes and rubbing his ears out of pain.

Although Jake seemed annoyed, he honestly only found Sunoo's crush extremely endearing.

He had found his own soulmate, Heeseung a looong time ago 🕰 but Sunoo had never been one for relationships ; Not that he didn't have admirers...

Sunoo was in fact their school's sweetheart! Nearly every girl and boy alike, had a crush on him.

However, he was super shy and couldn't dare to accept anybody's proposal. It also seemed like he was content with just maintaining friendships with everyone


that was until a new boy had transferred to their school.

With ebony locks of silky hair, skin paler than snow white and the gracefulness of a Swan, the new student had gained popularity among the students alarmingly fast.

Even his name was beautiful; Park Sunghoon

Unbelievably the new boy had even found a way into Sunoo's heart. Unlike his usual self, the entire week since the boy had joined, he went on and on about him to Jake.

Jake was pleasantly surprised but he decided he was going to set the two up.

Organising a party was the first idea that came to his mind. He had some classes with Sunghoon and luckily managed to befriend him. So, he had invited the guy and he had said yes.

The next step was convincing Sunoo to come, which was a piece of cake since he agreed to be there at the mention of Sunghoon's name 😍

Now they were at the party, and the much-awaited guest had finally come.

As Sunoo was busy admiring Sunghoon from a distance, Jake beckoned for Sunghoon to join them.

Sunoo had been oblivious to Jake's plan the whole time so when Sunghoon walked over to where he and Jake were standing, he was rather shocked.

Jake and Sunghoon continued speaking casually while Sunoo just stood there, recovering from the shock of seeing his crush so close to him.

"Anyways, Sunghoon, this is my best friend, Sunoo," Jake gestured to the boy who was awkwardly yet cutely smiling beside him.

Sunghoon who had not noticed the younger until Jake said so, looked at the boy and felt mesmerised at the boy's gorgeous features.

Sunghoon extended his hand and with a deep and attractive voice introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Sunghoon."

Sunoo shyly shook the older's hand while he internally gushed.

Just then, Jake said with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Well I've got some stuff to take care of now. I'll be back soon..."

Only then did Sunoo understand Jake's master plan but there was nothing he could do now.

After Jake left, an uncomfortable silence hung between the two but Sunoo was determined to utilise this one opportunity he had received.

Even then, his shyness seemed to invade him as he tried to start a conversation;

"Can I call you Sunghoon hh-h-yun-ng?" he mumbled while fiddling with his sweater paws.

Sunghoon chuckled at the younger's cute demeanor as he replied with a 'sure'.

The two continued talking for a long time. They got to know each other the more they talked but the one thing that remained was...

the way sunoo kept looking downwards due to the hot, pink blush creeping all over his face and the way sunghoon kept flirtatiously acting towards the younger which only made him blush more.

Eventually Sunghoon gave in and asked what he had been pondering for long, "Are you always this cute when you talk with others?"

The realisation that Sunghoon (his CRUSH!!) had just called him cute was making Sunoo as red as a peach.

Unsure how to answer the question, Sunoo kept bashfully looking at the ground as he stuttered and stammered.

Suddenly a thin, chilly finger grabbed the underside of his chin and pulled his gaze upwards.

Before he knew it, he was in direct eye contact with Sunghoon's pair of dark, devilish eyes and his voice resounded...

"Look at me when you talk, baby"

Sunoo was at a loss of words but he did not dare look away from the masterpiece known as Sunghoon's face.

It was clear that a strong connection had been formed between the two, hearts were fluttering, knees were trembling and sparks were flying.

There was really nothing left to say except that it was the start of a cute, heart-stopping love story ❤ .

Ps: Yes the title was inspired by nwjns' super shy :> I'm thinking of making more stories with their song titles as inspo. What do you guys think? Also, how was the story?? lmk love u all <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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