Chapter 16 - "School Troubles Pt.2"

Start from the beginning

"Where's Y/N?" Asked Sora, "Isn't he usually with you?"

"Yeah but he's at home doing school work." I said

"Ah, okay. Is him not being here affecting you at all?" Asked A-Chan

"I mean kinda but I can deal with it." I said

Damn I guess I really do need Y/N by my side.

"If you need support we got you." Said Aqua.

"Thank you!" I said

Some time when by and we finally finished.

I felt a lot more tired now.

"Suisei, we have the concert very soon, are you ready?" Asked AZKi

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said proudly

"Alright then, it's going to be perfect." She said

"Mhm it will."

Oh it sucks having to study and practicing for a concert.

I don't think I'm ready to be honest.

Luckily Y/N will be able to help me and encourage me to work hard.

Tomorrow the days for the upcoming tests will be revealed.

Just hope it isn't during the same week of the concert.

That would be absolutely terrible for me haha.

Anyways, I got changed into another pair of clothes and then started heading back home.

I have a lot of studying so I need to use these last few hours I have to study.

Hm but I also want to call Y/N.

We can do both studying and call each other.

Time Skip

I got home, it's midnight and I have to use whatever time I have left to study.

I told Mrs. S that I would start doing better so I cannot fail now.

I decided to do my work first because to be honest if I cannot Y/N I won't get anything done.

I did tell him though that I'm done with practice and that I'm studying.


S: I'm finally home

Y/N: finally

S: I'm going to study now

Y/N: Yep you should

Y/N: if you need help I can help you

S: it's okay I'm fine

S: thank you though

Y/N: no problem

Y/N: how was practice?

Y/N: good as always right?

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