I looked around as I waited impatiently, what was wrong with me? Isaac came in to check on me but to be honest I didn't wanna talk, everything felt weird. Deaton came back with a tube and a needle, he placed the items on the table and told me to hold my arm out. Deaton tied a tourniquet around my upper arm and applied pressure to my inner elbow, searching for a vein. He disinfected the entry spot on my arm and slowly pushed the needle into my skin. My blood flowed through the tube quickly and once it was filled Deaton slowly pulled the needle out. He let Isaac put the bandaid on my arm then he told me to go wait in the car.

Isaac's POV
"So we have nothing to go off of?"

"Well there's no dna or any visible wounds from the creature so we don't know what attacked her or why she healed. The only possible explanation would be that she's supernatural but until the blood test comes back we can't determine what she is."

"I'm gonna take her back to campus, call me as soon as the results come back."

"I'll keep you posted." Deaton opened the gate to let me out so I headed towards the door.

"Scott, do you mind not saying anything to Derek?"

"I won't mention it but I won't lie either." I nodded before leaving.

Third person POV
It was a silent ride back to campus. Isaac didn't know what to say and Emma felt like it wasn't the right time to ask the question that had been on her mind all day.

Isaac finally broke the silence after he parked the car but Emma didn't get out. "Are you okay?"

"Are you a werewolf?" The question was out there, it just shot out of her mouth before she even had time to catch herself.

"No, are you?"

"I don't know, up until a few days ago I didn't even think werewolves existed but maybe that's the only explanation for why I healed...what if I am one?"

"It wouldn't change the way I see you. I still like you and I still want to try this dating thing with you if you want to do the same."

Emma nodded slowly and got out of the car. Isaac followed close behind her as they entered the building.

Unknown POV
"His heart rate went up when he said no, so you know what that means."

"He lied to her..."

"More importantly he's a werewolf so we need to kill him before he kills us. The werewolves out here are different, they don't need a full moon to turn they can do it at their own will."

"What if that also means their bite won't kill us?"

"Are you willing to be the one to find out?"


"Then it's settled, he's dead."

"What about the girl? Clearly you threatening her didn't do anything because she went to him for help."

"He likes her so we'll use her as bait to catch him, you'll just have to befriend her first."

"What if I can't?"

"You're nice, too nice for your own good sometimes. She'll like you."

Emma's POV
Isaac and I had went our separate ways after he walked me to my dorm. He made sure Natalie was in the room before leaving, he didn't want me anywhere by myself until this thing with the vampire blew over. A lot of things were starting to make sense like his speed and the way he hears things that I don't. I know he lied to me but being a werewolf is a big secret to keep so I understand why he had to. He probably thought he was protecting me or maybe he was just scared. Whatever the problem may be, I'll let him tell me the truth when he's ready.

The sun was setting and there was nothing to do. I was too scared to go anywhere alone and I didn't really have the energy to be active so I guess I'd just go to bed early.

Isaac's POV
"She knows."

"Knows what?" Boyd asked as he moved Erica out of his lap.

"About werewolves, about me-"

"You told her?"

"No, she figured it out! She asked me if I was a werewolf in the car and I told her I wasn't but I'm not a good liar."

"I mean she was gonna find out eventually, they always do." Erica yawned before rolling over.

"I don't think I asked for your opinion." I growled, I tossed Boyd his keys and sat down.

"How much do you like this girl?" He asked.

"A lot, she has a beautiful heart, she's brilliant and understanding... everything about her is just perfect."

"Then you might as well be honest with her about everything."

"Derek's not gonna like that." Erica chimed in again.

"Derek doesn't have to find out, it'll be our secret."

"You're really gonna tell her everything?" Erica was now sitting up and was fully invested in the conversation.

"Yeah, I have to...she's in danger. There's no guarantee that she won't be attacked again, so I have to do everything I can to keep her safe, starting with telling her the whole truth."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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