"Hey, Y/N. What are you doing?" he asked.

"Just going to sit outside. Ethan will be here soon. Ferris Boyle is going to get us suits, and then I'm attending a shareholder's meeting; Ethan is coming to observe," you answer.

"When will Mr. Boyle come to get you?"

"12:30, which should be in about..." you check your watch, "15 minutes."

"Ah, well, be on your best behavior," Snyder says.

"I intend to," you say. 

"Oh, and Mr. Montgomery called. He said that you should have access to your inheritance by by 5:00 PM. Bank of Gotham," Snyder walks away as you walk outside. 

Ethan arrives about five minutes after you stepped outside. You both talked about various things, like school, college, things to invent, and whatnot. Ten minutes pass and you see a limo pull into the orphanage. You check your watch, 12:30, right on time. The driver steps out and opens a back door. Ferris Boyle steps out. You notice a slight twinge on his face. He then approaches you and Ethan. 

"Gentlemen! So glad to finally meet you in person

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"Gentlemen! So glad to finally meet you in person. Pardon me, but which one of you two is Y/N?" Boyle asks.

"That would be me, Ferris," you say. He reaches out to shake your hand, and you accept.

"Ah! Sorry, Mr. Montgomery never gave me a picture of you. In his defense, I don't think he expected another person to be here," Ferris said and then turned to Ethan a reached out to shake his hand, "And you must be?"

"Um, I'm Ethan Mercer, sir," Ethan says and shakes his hand.

"Mercer huh? I'm sure you could go far with a name like that. Mercer sounds powerful, and names alone can command respect. Anyway, I'm sure Y/N has told you, but you are not to interact or partake in the board meeting. I can discuss things more on the way to the tailor," Ferris said.

He walks towards his car and you two follow. The driver opens Ferris's door, and then your door, and finally Ethan's. The driver then gets in the car and starts to drive. He then explains how you're going to be given a tour of his main building, and if the meeting starts before the tour ends, then they'll continue it after. He also explains that when they get the suits, they can pick out whatever, however, he'll deem if it's good enough for the meeting, as he doesn't want anyone wearing a bright pink suit for example. The drive then gets awkwardly quiet for a minute. What really made it awkward was that Ferris kept eyeing you down. It looks like there is something on his mind. 

"Hey, Y/N. If you don't mind me asking, where did you come from? I believe Mr. Montgomery mentioned how your parents are immigrants," Ferris said.

"I'm from Egypt, but my father was Chinese, and my mother was Arabic," you answer.

"Egypt, you say? So, when did you all move here?" 

"Oh, around when I was about nine. They apparently saw more opportunity here than in Egypt and converted their money to US Dollars and invested in your company and some others. They had also bought some land just outside the city. This large island that's only connected by a land bridge," you say.

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