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The room is dusty, untouched. The green screen is off, and there is some camera equipment and microphones in the shot.
Stage left: Kiwi enters, in a suit, striding in on all fours. The audience is in uproar as he steps over to his desk, breathes in, and exhales heavily, kicking up a load of dust into his own face. Coughing, Kiwi bats at the air, closing his eyes and wheezing after a few seconds. Once the dust clears, Kiwi sits down in his chair, getting comfortable, before picking up a remote on the desk as the applause and shouts die down. He points it towards the camera screen, and presses a button, and the green screen behind him shows the bustling decks of a boat, filled with tribes never seen before.
"It's been a long time, Pyrrhia, but I have returned once more! Three long years have split us, but just like a fanfiction romance; it's till death do us part!" Kiwi is beaming, adjusting his tie. The suit is clearly only a one-time occurrence.
"Let's see here..." Kiwi lifts up some papers, leafing through the papers with silence from the audience. "My last written script was on hybrids..." He murmurs, before throwing the stack of papers aside, creating a mess on the floor beside him. "Bah! I can't be bothered to read all that. Welcome back to Kiwi Talk! Today's episode; what I've been doing!"
"As it would turn out, keeping my antics up while discussing today's topic will be... difficult, to say the least. So, I hope, just for tonight, you will all pardon my serious demeanor." A toothy grin is flashed at the camera. "You'll be doing a lot of listening tonight."
The audience talks quietly among themselves, intrigued, confused, and worried all at once.
"It turns out, I'm related to the supernatural! Isn't that wacky?" Kiwi lifts up the remote again, pressing another button, and an image appears next to his head of a black-scaled dragon with green eyes, an open smile and peace sign, and mischief written all over his face. "Perfect resemblance! We're almost twins!" Kiwi lets out a chuckle, as does the audience.
"But, I was called by them, for... well, the equivalent of a family crisis? Not to worry; all is well now, but there were various problems that had to be dealt with, and I had to be there for the entirety of it. But, on the bright side, I became acquainted with my fellow Counterparts! Come forwards, Candy Corn!" There is applause from the audience as a confused orange, yellow, and white SilkWing steps into the camera. "Hi-uhm-Kiwi-are we live?" Candy Corn looks confused, and the audience laughs. "Funny guy!" Kiwi throws a wing around Candy Corn.
"Tell me, C-C, what's the deal with Hyperpop? I mean, you listen to music to calm down, but then there's genre's almost made to overstimulate you! Though, I must say; that fits you perfectly, my fine weaving friend!"
CC chuckles at this, waving to the crowd in front of the two. "Well, I suppose you're right Kiwi; but sometimes, you need some stimulation, and that can be helpful, versus the silence alternative. Besides, it makes me feel good and forget what I'm doing!"
"Ah, so, it makes you less aware of your issues, you'd say?"
"Definitely." CC nods.
"Well, C-C, is there anything you'd like to say to the audience to end off tonight?"
"Well," CC looks around. "Kiwi missed working here, talked about this job a lot. It's great to be able to guest star tonight; the return of the king of comedy!" CC takes one of Kiwi's paws and lifts it into the air, beaming. The audience claps in approval.
"Thank you," Kiwi says, wiping a tear from one eye. "Well, I wish I had more time, but I must draft up new scripts-all my old ones are outdated, I'm afraid. Goodnight Pyrrhia!"
The screen fades to black slowly as applause and cheers are heard, a resoundingly positive response to tonight's short episode. Kiwi talk is back on air! ... or, will be, soon. Maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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