21. the hurricane

Start from the beginning

kinsley then brought her fists hand up and swung it on ben's face. she regretted that the second her hand met his face. not because she didn't get the satisfaction but because his face was much more harder and her knuckles started bleeding and aching in pain. although, kinsley was able to make his nose bleed.

"ou, that looks bad." caitlin said appearing from behind kinsley. stefani grabbed kinsley pulling her away and taking kinsley's hand on hers. "let me fix it." caitlin said swinging her arm. her fist met ben's other side of his face and since caitlin had more strength that kinsley, it didn't hurt as much and she was able to damage him even more. caitlin leaned up to ben and whispered something inside of his ear.

ben pulled away holding his face and running away. caitlin turned around and pulled kinsley into her embrace. "did he hurt you? are you okay?" caitlin asked holding kinsley's face on her hands. kinsley nodded her head — she's still tipsy — and brought her knuckles up. caitlin let out a laugh noticing the small pout of kinsley's mouth.

"no wonder he's stupid, he has a hard head." kinsley muttered leaning against caitlin. kinsley didn't really hear what caitlin said to her or to the others. all she knows is that caitlin lead them over to her car. the second that kinsley sat down in the passenger seat and put on her seatbelt she passed out.

caitlin sighed deeply not moving a single muscle when she was right outside of the hotel already. she only looked at kinsley who was mumbling in her seat and moving around. what if she didn't get there in time? what if ben tried something more when kinsley fought against him? what if he tries again? will she be there to protect the most important person in her life? is kinsley safe? can she protect kinsley as much as she can? it all ran through her mind in that very moment.

"i love you caitlin." kinsley mumbled turning around in her seat. her arm hooking through caitlin's and using the athletes arm as a pillow. "so so much." and in that moment caitlin knew that she has to protect kinsley, even if it's the last thing she does.

• • •

"don't ever let me drink again." kinsley whined slumping down against the bench. the game was going good — kinsley hopes it's going good she doesn't really understand anything that's going around her other than the fact that caitlin looks extra good. coach lucy decided to be oblivious about stefani, kinsley's and noah's hungover.

"caitlin tried stopping us. we should listen to caitlin more and monika." stefani said dropping her head down to kinsley's shoulder. the girls scored again the second that stefani rested. kinsley and stefani waved their pom poms trying their best to keep their eyes open and have a face of understanding.

the rest of the game went smoothly — again kinsley hopes it was going smoothly. their headaches managed to get less and less by the hour. expect it kept on coming back whenever people screamed or whenever they had to cheer.

suddenly everyone was cheering confusing kinsley, stefani and noah. the trio huddled close to each other looking around with a confused look. stefani was thinking the world was ending. noah was thinking that someone famous decided to visit and kinsley had zero thoughts.

"we won." matt said to them slapping all of their heads. the trio all let out loud oh's and stood up. kinsley cheered waving her pom poms in the air. she kept on looking around not being able to find her girlfriend. kinsley walked over to kate and monika.

"you guys did amazing!" kinsley said smiling widely hugging the two blondes. they laughed as they caught kinsley multiple times with a confused face and with her head not in the gaze. someone then lifted kinsley off the ground twirling her around. kinsley shrieked slapping the persons arm causing them to drop her.

when kinsley turned around to see that it was only caitlin, kinsley smiled with her entire mouth. blush creeping onto her cheeks and she shyly looked away. hungover kinsley is something that caitlin loves. kinsley always acts like she was seeing caitlin for the first time. she gets nervous whenever caitlin touches her in the most innocent way. she tends to blush a lot even if caitlin is only smiling at her.

"you looked hot playing today." kinsley admitted wrapping her arms around caitlin's waist and putting her chin on caitlin's chest.

"whatever happened to, "caitlin i will never cheer for you" or to, "i rather jump out of a plan than congratulate you." kenny?" caitlin asked sarcastically smiling down at kinsley. "are you her twin?"

"no dumbass." kinsley said rolling her eyes before shrugging her shoulders. "i just had an eye opener and matured." kinsley said smiling softly at caitlin. the tall athlete loved that answer making her lean down and kiss kinsley.

neither of them cared anymore what other people thought about them kissing in public or when they posting each other. kinsley always blocked them after caitlin told them off.

"should we go celebrate?" caitlin asked smirking.

"last one to the car is a bottom." kinsley said quickly pulling away from caitlin and rushing to pick up her cheer bag. caitlin gasped not even comprehending what kinsley said until she was feets away.

"hey where you going?!" monika asked as the cheerleaders and basketball players were making plans.

"um, i gotta—i gotta go! sorry!" caitlin said running backwards at first then running normally. "bye!"

kinsley • 10 minutes ago

kinsley • 10 minutes ago

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tagged. caitlinclark22

cece chung
theresalceceching • instagram
400 followers • 30 posts
you don't follow each other on instagram
you both don't follow anyone in common

cece chung
fag 🤢

and what tf abt it 🤭🤭🤭
i'm fucking proud and say it fully bitch
i'm a faggot what fucking about it
at least i have someone who truly loves me
and doesn't use me bc of my money 😂😂

at least i'm not a cheating ass bitch 😂😂

cece chung
you're so pathetic
still on with ben going with someone
better. anyone can do better when it comes
to you

babe you have fucking wrinkles...
poeple think he's your SON
i don't even CARE that he cheated
i fucking care that he was still 17 and you were older than 25 when you fucked him
what the fuck went through your mind.

so before you fucking call me a faggot under MY
story, list all the shit you've done and ask yourself
if you're even in the position to open your mouth.

text me again and i'll show the police the proof.

cece chung
you're crazy kinsley
you're so fucking crazy

awweee thank you 😊😊

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