Chapter 43: Vera & Ben

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When she arrived at Lady Eleanor's estate in Richmond, her husband was already waiting for her. He received her at the drive along with Lady Graham, looking so incredibly handsome in his elegant attire. His waistcoat was a beautiful emerald with understated gold embroidery, his breeches hugging his thighs. His hair had been brushed to perfection, but still, it curled beautifully at the nape of his neck and around his ears. He looked tired too, his eyes shadowed. Clearly, he had been working hard.

Her heart thudded and a blush climbed her face at the sight of him.

Ah, her poor heart sighed in pleasure, we are finally home.

As he turned to motion to the staff to start unloading her things, she took an unabashed look at his bottom. Wonderful, strong, and muscled. Perfect for sinking her fingers into.

Stop salivating.

Her husband greeted her with an elegant and polite bow, his manner composed, though there was unmistakable warmth in his gaze. The kiss he placed on her hand lasted only the appropriate amount of time and then he politely tucked her hand into his elbow and followed Lady Graham as she showed them to her room. He made polite conversation, inquiring about her travel and the weather.

A spark of irritation ignited in her gut.

He had not seen her in a month and he wished to talk about the weather?!

Not even an 'I missed you desperately wife.' Or a 'Let's find a shaded alcove and kiss passionately!'

And here she'd been moping and pining after him all these days?! Very well! She could be frosty too!

She hiked her chin at a haughty angle and forced herself to hold her body at an appropriate distance from his, even as her own demanded she press into him, inhale his beloved scent, feel his delicious heat through her clothes.....Or without clothes.

But then, she felt the irritation be doused by anxiety.

What if he did not miss me at all?

'I hope you will excuse us, My Lady,' she heard her husband inform Lady Eleanor. 'My wife is likely tired from her travel and would wish to rest. If I could trouble the staff for a bath?'

Once Lady Eleanor had disappeared around the corner, her husband, ever the consummate gentleman, held the door open and motioned for her to enter.

'And what if I wished to make conversation with Lady Eleanor, you high-handed-?!'

Her irritable query was cut off as she was pushed firmly against the door, her husband's hot mouth on hers, plundering and conquering with ease. He let out a groan of pleasure as she went pliant in his arms, kissing him back with a month's worth of fervor. His hands roamed her body, cupping her breasts, caressing her back, and then palming her arse and molding her to him so that she felt every glorious inch of his arousal. His mouth traveled from her lips, to her cheeks, to her neck and then, as was his damned habit, he bit down on her skin.

Not so frosty after all.

'Missed you.' He said in between his desperate kisses. 'Like madness. Everyday.'

'Oh,' she whimpered as his deft hands hitched her skirts up and began to undo the ties on her garters.

'May I make love to you?' He asked, nay, begged, his ragged breath fanning her lips. 'Or are you too tired?'

'I smell of travel! And horses!' She protested weakly as he found the bands of her drawers and slid them off her legs. He ducked, placing kisses on her exposed thigh as her halfhearted attempts at refusal fled entirely.

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