Sane - K. HR x Reader

Start from the beginning

"You don't think there's anything wrong with me, do you?" Ms. Kang asked.

I took a deep breath and decided to give her my honest opinion.

"I think you had a hard life as kid. Maybe you were vilified or actually hurt people at times, but something happened to you that helped you grow. I think something triggered you to do what you did, you are covering for someone, or just plain lying," I coldly told 1526.

Ms. Kang giggled a little.

This wasn't the first time she giggled.... inappropriately at that..

I would never deny that 1526 was shy and a little odd at times, but, after a few months, I could tell she was just an introvert.

She would be shy and intimidated or loud and peculiar.

1526 really made no sense to me. She's just an introvert with a decent grasp of life.

1526 finally nodded, as she always did, then exited my office to be escorted back to her room.

Months went by and 1526 behaved in the same manner as she always did....

Except for when my birthday came around.

"Today is your birthday," Ms. Kang excitedly said as she walked into my office.

I felt a bit unease. I had not shared with any of my patients on when my birthday was. It was also not public knowledge. I had made sure that even my public records on the internet did not display my birthday.

"Is that so?" I asked a bit cautious.

"What makes you believe that?" I followed up.

1526 giggled, before walking around the room and touching everything she could with her fingertips.

It was not her usual behavior. She typically walked stiffly and with purpose to the patient chair then sat there silently. 

"Have you started any medication at the hospitals?" I started to wonder if her behavior came from drugs in her system.

"No, you haven't prescribed me anything!" 1526 turned to give me a genuine smile.

I observed her peculiar behavior for quiet a while and then took my regular seat in front of the patient chair.

"Shall we start?" I asked.

1526 scoffed, as if offended, then walked to over to her chair.

"You don't care to celebrate?" Patient Kang had a mischievous look on her face.

I took down notes as I watched the corner of her lip curl up.

"Not really," I answered uninterested.

I was being cautious.

Up until now, 1526 had not displayed any behavior aside shy or hyper active behavior. This felt more like a controlled behavior with a pace I had never seen on her before.

"I would think you'd be one to celebrate," 1526 defensively crossed her arms in front of her.

I furrowed my brows, asking... "What would make you think that?"

"Because misery loves company," Patient Kang smugly glared at me.

I put my pen down and took my glasses off.

I was a bit thrown off.

I recollected myself a bit and placed my spectacles back on. I then grabbed my pen and noted down my observations.

I looked up from my notepad and looked at 1526 straight in the eyes.

"I can celebrate alone. I'm not a fan of silly sayings," I tried to challenge her words for a reaction.

1526 just rolled her eyes and went back to her calm demeanor.

"How about the saying 'you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain'?" She pouted a bit.

This was normal behavior for 1526, she pouted for just about everything, but the words that came out her mouth didn't match her demeanor.

It seemed like she was playing games...

Or at least wanted to.

I decided to give in.

I took a deep breath and placed my notepad to the side.

"Are you a fan of Batman?" I crossed my legs and tried to relax in my chair.

"Umm, it's okay," 1526 sat back on her chair as well.

I watched as she got comfortable and figured it was a game she wanted to play.

"Fine, how about we play a game for my birthday?" I chuckled a bit.

1526's ears seemed to rise up and her expression lifted.

It was very child like.

"What kind of game?" Patient Kang asked.

"How about 21 questions?" I suggested.

"Umm, 21 seems too much. How about 5?" 1526 attempted to gain control of the situation.

"Okay, 5 sounds good," I didn't see a problem with it.

"But only if I asked the first question," I challenged.

1526 seemed to have the urge to roll her eyes again and reluctantly agreed.

"Very well," I sat up on my chair in excitement.

With Patient Kang's new demeanor, I was hoping to learn more information about her to help us move on with her rehabilitation.

- Patient Kang -

I was oddly excited to heard what The Doctor's first question would be, but I was a bit disappointed when I finally heard it.

"Do you like to hurt animals Ms. Kang?" The doctor asked for the 100th time.

"No," I smugly answered.

Dr. Y/n liked to act as if i couldn't see the intentions behind their questions.

The Doctor was trying to study me. Analyze me. Learn more about me to try to manipulate me that I'm different....

But I'm not different.

I knew the only reason the doctor was so successful at their job.... was because... they were just like me.

Maybe The Doctor didn't act on things, but they fully knew the intense thrill behind the lifestyle they so desperately tried to fix.

"Okay, your turn," The Doctor relaxed back on their seat.

"You didn't answer your own question," I pointed out.

I was on the defensive side.

I thought we were playing a game, but Dr. Y/n thought it was just another session.

"Nope," The Doctor nonchalantly replied.

I was eased a bit by their demeanor.

"Why did you stop calling me by my name?" I coldly asked.

The Doctor just raised an eyebrow and looked at the clock.

"You know why," Dr. Y/n coldly replied.






Author's Note: Sorry I unpublished it  .-.

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