Moving to California

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Ariana pov
I woke up early to my alarm I took a quick shower then got dressed I put on a black and white skirt with my white long socks that reached to my knees then I put on a grayish cropped top I brushed my teeth and hair and I put my hair in a ponytail I add some make up then I put on my black heels I don't bother putting on my glasses I only use them for school I grabbed my bags and phone then headed downstairs I put my stuff by the door I checked the time I have time to eat it's 6:40 I ate some coco puffs cereal after I finish I sat on the couch watching tv while waiting for scooter after a few min I heard the door I turned off the tv and open the door it was scooter "ready?" He asked "yeah" I said he helped me get my bags and my mom and brother came along I sat in the back with mom and Frankie sat in front few minutes we got to the airport it was 7:50am we quickly ran to our flight and we got in our plane "I'm so proud of you Ari" my mom said "thanks momma" I said hugging her. Once everyone else got in the plane it took off can't wait to get there. And after hours in the plane we was here I got my stuff and waited for the rest once everyone else came we went out and waited for the taxi driver then he came and we got in.

Justin pov
I haven't seen Ariana this morning ugh she better be here or else she's dead I decided to text the
Little bitch because I want to mess with her today and yeah,

Me: hey slut you should be in school today where are you?

Ariana: none of your business fuck off leave me alone ok bye.

Me: don't talk to me that way.

Ariana: or what? Mr. Bieber huh?

Me: ugh just don't ok!!!

Ariana: bye I don't have time for you.

End of the conversation.
This bitch think she's all tuff wait till I find her uh I hate her I don't know why but I do I just want to ugh. I got distracted by the teacher "every one listen up Ariana won't be with us anymore some reason she got noticed on YouTube for singing and now is living in California" she said that's it I'll become famous and that's how I'll get to that little hoe. I waited until school end after it was time to go home I started making singing videos I got many views. After 2 weeks I got a phone call from someone "hello?" I answered "hi are you Justin!?" He asked "yeah" I said "I'm scooter I saw your videos your a good singer how would you like to come to California with your family and become a singer?" He asked "sure" I said "great ill pick you up tomorrow?" He asked "ok" I said and I hung up yes I can't wait.

Ariana pov:
We got to our hotel room my dream came true I'm going to be a singer. "I'm going for a walk around the hotel" I said but no one herd me because scooter was on the phone and mom and Frankie was talking about something so I just left when I was walking around I bumped into
Someone "I'm sorry I didn't me-" I got cut of by the boy I bumped into "it's ok" he said helping me up "so what's your name?" He asked "Ariana I'm Ariana" I said smiling "nice name" he said. "Thanks and your name is?" I asked "I'm Jai" he said "oh nice" I said "hey wanna hang out sometime?" He asked "sure" I said "ok great here's my number" he said giving me a paper with his number on it. "Kk" I said then he left I went back to the room "there you are get ready to go to the studio" scooter said I nodded and went to shower when I finished I put on black dress and heels I add some makeup an leave my hair loose "ready" I said "ok let's go" scooter said and we left mom and Frankie stood when I got to the studio I recorded a few songs for my first album my first song I wrote was 'Honeymoon avenue'. "Ok so what's going to be your first album name?" Scooter asked me
I was thinking for 3 minutes until it came up "yours truly" I said
"Ok" was all he said after the studio scooter dropped me off at the hotel "I'll be back tomorrow" he said I nodded and went inside
I went to my room and layed down and fell asleep.

-Next morning-

Justin pov:
I woke up early to my alarm i took a quick shower and got dressed I put on gray sweat pants and white tshirt then I put on my white Supras after I got dressed i went to the bathroom and brush my teeth and then I packed my bags and went downstairs to put them by the door "breakfast is ready" my mom yell from the kitchen I went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast she made when I finished I put my plate in the sink I herd a knock at the door I went to open it "hi you're Justin?" The guy asked "that's me" I said "I'm scooter" he said then my mom came "so Justin told me that you'll be taking him" my mom said scooter nodded "ok Justin call me when you get to California" my mom said I nodded then we left we took a plane after the plane ride we finally got to California can't wait to see Ariana's face.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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