"I know it's still a couple months away, but Chandler and I are planning to have a graduation party at his place on the night of. You should come." He tells me.

"Oh, yeah. Sounds like fun." I smile at him.

Conner and I both finish eating now, he sits back in his chair and snaps his fingers as our waitress walks by again. When she doesn't respond or hear him, he whistles at her getting her attention as she turns around.

"Hey!" I says in annoyance. "Can we get a desert menu over here?" His tone is very rude.

She looks a bit taken back as her brown eyes glance between he and I. "Oh, um, yes. I'm sorry." She apologizes.

"It's okay." I reply giving her an apologetic smile. I feel bad, Conner is being rude and she looks around our age.

"No, it sure as hell is not ok. You're a shitty waitress." His icy words make my jaw drop, her eyes widen.

"Conner!" I snap at him. "What is wrong with you?"

I turn to face our waitress again. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I apologize.

He snorts and laughs. "You know what? You just standing there looking like a dear in headlights isn't helping your case. You've just cut your tip in half."

My mouth is still open as I stare at him in complete shock. How could he just speak to someone so rudely like this? It's just awful.

"I'm sorry." She manages out as her eyes begin to water. "I'll go grab the menu."

She turns away on her heels and hurries on to the back of the restaurant again. I look over at Conner to see a smug expression on his face, I frown deeply.

"What the hell is your problem?" I snap at him, he looks over at me and shrugs.

"What? You're on her side? She's just a waitress." He defensively remarks.

"Conner! She's look like she's our age! She probably goes to school, too. And who cares if she's just a waitress? What's your deal?" I hiss at him.

I know my tone sounds so harsh right now, and I'm not in any position to be a "holier than thou" kind of person given the mistake I made Saturday night, but Conner speaking this way to other people isn't going to fly with me. It's simply not ok. He looks taken back by my tone as he defensively holds his hands up for a second.

"Chill out. There's no need to act like a bitch." He calmly responds before smirking and shaking his head.  "I think you need some alcohol to loosen you up."

I clench my jaw and stand up from the table as I made my way out of the restaurant. I can hear him out calling my name, but I keep walking as anger fills me. He didn't act this way before, so what's his damage now? Has he always been so rude, and I just never saw it until now? I continue walking down the dark pavement until I hear a pair of footsteps hurrying behind me.

"Hazel, wait!" I hear him call out.

I stop walking as I turn around to face him, there is a frown on my face.

"What?" I snap at him. He looks taken back for a moment before his expression softens.

"Are you seriously mad right now?" He asks sounding surprised, I give him a look.

"Yes, of course I'm mad! Do you even realize how rude you treat other people? And we haven't even been dating two weeks and you already think you can talk to me the way that you did in there?" When I finish unleashing on him, I fold my arms over my chest and continue to give him a glare.

He sighs. "Okay, you're right. I shouldn't have said you were being a bitch. I'm sorry."

"You're just saying that."

Yaunfen (Book three to Attraction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora