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After everyone else left the Super Bowl party, Seth's car was the only one here that remained. It's almost dark outside now, I don't know where he went. Worry fills me. Maybe he went for a walk in the woods? I decide on putting my Adirondack boots on and going into the woods. It feels nice out and a walk sounds nice right now while I wait for Seth to return.
I smile softly to myself as I realize that I've just had my first kiss today, and it was even better than I imagined it to me. He was such a gentlemen about it, and thought he didn't use his tongue as I've heard most guys will try, it was still special and sweet. If Conner asks me to be his girlfriend, I will definitely say yes.

As I continue making my way through the woods, I stop waking when I hear the sound of heavy breathing and footsteps. I look around until I spot the glowing friendly eyes that I know and love. It's Seth. I smile when I see him as I slowly make my way over to him through the trees and the greenery.
His looks at me kindly as I gently scratch the top of his head earning a low purring sound from him.

"I've been looking for you." I tell him softly as I stop petting him. He leans his head towards me before nuzzling me gently, I smile again.

He takes a step forward as we continue walking through the woods together back to the house.
I let out a small sigh, now that we're alone again I feel like I can really tell him my feelings.

"Seth.." I begin, he stops walking for a moment and turns his head to look at me from behind me.  "I just want you to know how sorry I am."

He looks confused.  "For not talking to you for a month, that is. I really did miss you, and it felt so weird not seeing you or talking to you. But I just really needed time to get over you... And I'm sorry if that's weird to hear. I just don't want things to be awkward between us or for you to think I still have feelings for you. I don't. I just want things to go back to the way they used to be between us."

His eyes looks so sad when I am finished speaking, it saddens me. He must have missed me too, and I can imagine when I fell in love with him and he didn't feel the same way I'm sure he thought he was going to lose me forever. This must have been so hard on him. Of course he was protective today, he was scared of losing me all over again and he just got me back.

"I promise I won't ever disappear like that again. I know that had to of been really hard on you when I did that. I just... I needed to escape from you." I pause as the words continue spilling from my lips. 
"I know now that we aren't supposed to be together romantically, but at the time if I'm being honest you're all I could think about. You consumed me. And I wasn't mad at you, please don't think I was mad at you. I mean, yes at first I was devastated, but I'm okay now. I promise."

I feel a warm hand touch my own as I turn around to see Seth back standing on his two legs again. Our eyes connect as my lips part, he's still so beautiful.
My eyes flicker down to his lips as I look back up at him, his large hand tangles with my own. I have deeply missed the feeling. When Seth is near, it feels like I am whole again.

"It's okay." He speaks gently. "I'm not going anywhere."

His words are comforting to me, I feel more relaxed about all of this now. A small smile forms on my lips, everything is how it should be. Seth and I walk back to the house in silence for a few minutes until I decide to speak when we reach his car.

"Seth, when we were apart it felt like part of me was missing. But seeing you again, I feel whole. I feel like all of me is together again." I look up at him.

His brown eyes seem to brighten at my words, he looks really happy to hear me say that. I watch as the corners of his mouth turn upward.

"That's how I feel about you." He responds. It makes me happy to hear him say that.

Yaunfen (Book three to Attraction) Where stories live. Discover now