Pyrrha: The second one and it's not from behind us.

Back at the temple, Yang and Neo approaches one of the relics.

Yang: Hmmmm...*studies the golden knight, then picks it up and shows it to Blake* How about a cute little pony?

Neo picks up a silver knight and shows it to Cinder.

Blake & Cinder:*smirking* Sure.

They walk towards each other to the center of the temple floor.

Mercury: That wasn't too hard!

Blake: Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find.*they all share a smile*

Emerald then gets a good look at the chess pieces.

Emerald: Say, aren't these Goodwitch's expensive chess pieces?

The siblings look back at the pieces and sweat a little bit.

Neo: "Aunty Glynda is not going to like this."

Blake:*not knowing sign language* What did she say?

Yang: She said Glynda is not going to be happy.

Jaune and Pyrrha continue onward through the cave until they see a large glowing point of gold right in front of them, illuminating Jaune's excited features.

Jaune: That's the relic!*he slowly reaches out to grab it, but it moves away from his swipe* Hey! Bad... relic?*he tries to get it again, jumps forward and hangs onto it as the object raises him above the ground*

Pyrrha:*worried* Jaune...?

Jaune's catch lowers itself so he is dangling right in front of the now-glowing red lines and eyes of a Death Stalker.

Jaune:*scared* Pyrrha.

Pyrrha:*worried* Yes, Jaune?

Jaune:*scared* Run.

The Deathstalker growls at him.

Jaune's scream is heard all the way from the temple, where Yang and Mercury turns towards the direction of its source.

Yang: Some girl's in trouble! Guys, did you hear that?

Emerald: I that was Jaune.

Cinder: Nah.

Blake and Neo doesn't answer, staring at something in the sky.

At the cave entrance, Pyrrha rushes out right before the monster crashes through the hole, roaring and waving its grass-encrusted claws as Jaune hangs from the stinger, calling from help and continuing to scream.

Jaune: Help! Whoa-ah-ah-ah-ah! Pyrrha! He-e-e-elp! Pyrrha, this is not the relic! It's a very angry Deathstalker!*continues to scream and get shaken around* Do something to distract it!

Pyrrha:*wielding Miló in front of the creature* I'm thinking, Jaune! But whatever you do, don't let-

Before she can finish, the Grimm hurls its tail back and YEETS a still-screaming Jaune across the forest as she watches in dismay.

Pyrrha: ... go.

She turns back to the scorpion as it continues to snap its claws at her, and she smiles embarrassedly.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry?

The Deathstalker roars at her.

Pyrrha: Nope.

She turns around and rushes away in a burst of green leaves.

Meanwhile at the cliff, we see Y/n, Winter, Adam and Roman hearing the Deathstalker roars.

Roman: That sounds like a Deathstalker.

Adam: An old at that.

Winter notices Y/n looking at another direction that's not towards the Deathstalker or the temple.

Winter: Y/n?

Y/n: Something huge is heading to the temple.

Winter: How huge?

Y/n: Four story building huge.

The three 18 year-old siblings have a worried look.

Adam: Y/n. Throw towards the temple. We'll have a landing strategy.

Back at the temple.

Blake and Neo are still staring at something above them, but Yang and Mercury is focused on the forest.

Mercury: Neo, did you hear that?*turns to his sister and Blake* What are you two staring at?

Neo points up for the others to look.

Finally, the faint-but-growing-louder scream of "Heads uuuuuuuup!" from Ruby and Weiss falling.

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