Chapter 8: Sleepover

Start from the beginning

His mind wandered. Imagining all the things he would love to do to that fiesty girl. He was very glad Newt couldn't read his mind, he would have a lot of uncomfortable explaining to do.

"...but the way she just spun an' shot that bettle blade! It was crazy! Like right in the shuck head!" Alby was saying, pulling Minho out of his inappropriate thoughts. He rolled back over and sat up.

"Did she aim first or just one slick movement?" Minho asked eagerly.

"All at once. Litterly didn't even hesitate!" Alby exclaimed!

"Tommy! You should have seen her when she saved Matt! Like she restarted his shuck heart!" Newt said, "Min, remember when she fought Gal? She was all-"

"She was all up in his face her first few hours here!" Minho interrupted, excitedly. "Alex just ripped him a new one! And then she ended up in the pit! Every one thought she would back out. I didn't! I believed in her! And she kicked his shuck butt!"

Newt and Alby sat back with small grins folding their arms. Newt winked at Alby, they got him now. Minho had got out of his sleeping bag and was now on his feet describing exactly, with big animated hand gestures,  what she did and what she said. They watched as his face lit up and he grinned even bigger. Alby held out a hand and Newt high fived him.

Thomas sat with his mouth open, listening to the wild retelling. When Minho was done he a glazed daydream look on his face.

"That girl is something..." He whispered to himself, before realizing he said it out loud. His face went red, and flopped down onto his sleeping bag, laying on his back.

"Just shucken admit it man!" Alby laughed at him.

Minho flung a muscular arm over his face and groaned.

"You'll feel better." Thomas said sympathetically.

"FINE!" Minho bellowed. He sat up glaring at the guys.

"Fine. You finally shucken win. I like her. I like her a lot! Like a whole shucken lot! Like I could in a maze full of girls and I'd still feel the same about her! She gives me this wild giddy happy feeling. She took away that scary dark empty feeling I was feeling. Like I wanted to run into the maze and never come back! But Alex gives me hope and a reason to keep going. She's kind and fiesty, sassy and sweet. My heart doesn't work properly when she's around, feels like a zoo inside when she smiles. And she's shucken hot. Okay? You guys happy?" He finished and glared at them.

Bark jumped off the bed, trotted up to Minho her tail wagging, licked his face, gave a woof, and trotted out of the room.

"I guess your approved." Thomas laughed.

Newt was sitting still on the bed, his eyes wide.

"Min...I..I didn't know how bad you actually felt. Why didn't you say anything?" Newt said quietly. Alby was frowning at him too.

Minho shrugged. "Cuz I had a job to do, and no one can replace me as keeper."

Everyone paused, thinking. That girl down the hall really did a whole lot more then just throw off the normal routine. She brought a reason to hope again, she gave the Glade a whole new drive.

Newt was still eyeing Minho.

"Dude relax. I feel different. I'm not going anywhere. She's...she's got me...even if she doesn't feel the same-"

"-Oh trust me shank, she does.-"

"-wait! How do you know?"

Newt just laughed. "Dude you're so blind! Even Thomas the oblivious can see it." Newt clapped Thomas on the shoulder giggling at the hurt look on Thomas's face.

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