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"LaMelo! Wake up!" I shake him roughly.

He squints and sits up in bed. "What's wrong... oh shit. Your water broke. Alright, I already got the bag packed. We're gonna change, and get you to the hospital."

He gets up and grabs a new pair of underwear for me to put on, and a pair of sweats.

After he helps me get them on, he rushes outside to start the car and he comes back inside to get himself dressed.

"Fuck! The contraction hurts!" I hold my stomach.

Melo puts the book bag over his shoulder before picking me up and carrying me to the car.

He buckles my seatbelt carefully, and closes my door before running to the other side and getting in.

He pulls out of the garage and speeds off.

"Hey Siri, call Zo." Melo says to his phone, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Calling Zo, black heart." Siri says before the car speakers start ringing.

"What's up?" Zo's voice came through the speakers.

"Mariah's water broke and we're on the way to the hospital now. Call Gelo and tell him so y'all can come see her, if y'all are still in town."

Melo makes a sharp turn, making me more agitated.

"Mmcht. Drive properly damn!" I smack my lips and yell.


I hold Mariah's hand and wipe the sweat off of her forehead. "You gotta push a few more times okay mamas?"

She grunts and yells as she starts pushing again.

"Great Mariah, only a few more and your baby boy will be here." The doctor encourages her.

She nods and pushes again.

I take my jacket off because it was getting hot. "You got this mamas. Just think about when he gets here."

She looks at me and nods. "O-okay. But I just want you to know, I don't like you for doing this to me."

It was definitely her hormones talking. She huffs before pushing again.

The doctor looks up and nods. "Two more pushes okay?"

Mariah nods and take a few breaths before pushing again.

I start to hear faint crying and tears start filling my eyes.

"One more push baby, you hear him?" I chuckle as I wipe my eyes.

She groans and squeezes my hand. "Okay, fuck!"

She huffs before pushing one last time. I see the doctor pull our son out and Mariah's eyes light up.

I kiss her forehead.

"I fucking did it, we did it." She croaks, out of breath.

YOU & I - LaMelo BallKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat