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I wake up to the smell of good food. I roll over and feel the cold side of the bed.

I sigh and check my phone. I get up to go use the bathroom and wash my face.

As I'm walking out the bathroom I see the condom wrapper from last night, and I laugh a little bit.

Last night was fun and special because that was our first time doing it together.

Even though we weren't virgins before then it still felt special. I think that Valentine's day was a success.

I slip on some grey sweats and head downstairs.

We're leaving the condo I rented out for Valentine's day tomorrow, so I could see that some of her stuff was packed up by the door.

I walk into the kitchen to find her cooking fajitas. I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her.

"Smells really good in here. Why fajitas for breakfast though?" I laugh and she stops cutting the peppers to give me a kiss.

"Well I just have a taste for fajitas so why not make them for breakfast?" She shrugs and I laugh.

"How did you sleep last night?" I sit down on the bar stool at the counter and watch her cook.

"Pretty good. You were squeezing the hell out of me though, I could barely slip out of bed to go use the bathroom and make breakfast." She laughs and I shake my head.

"Can't have my baby leaving me already." She gives me a piece of cut up chicken for me to taste. I eat it and nod, letting her know it's good.

"Boy shut  up ain't nobody leaving your ugly self." She giggles and puts the peppers in the pan with the chicken.

"I know you ain't callin nobody ugly look at that forehead, megamind." I try to not laugh as she turns around and pouts.

I get up and pull her into my arms swaying us back and forth. "I'm kidding. You're the most beautiful girl I know." I kiss her forehead and she smiles.

"Okay we gotta eat and then we have to go film our triple date for the show so let's move it." She smacks my butt and sets our plates down on the counter.

I pull her back towards me and smack her butt. She punches my arm and whines. "Bro you do too much!" I laugh and sit down to eat.


"Bro this isn't fair!" Ally whines as they go sit on the bench and drink water.

Gelo, Zo, and I laugh as they finish drinking their water. "Or maybe you guys just suck." I shrug and Mariah rolls her eyes.

"No, y'all are literally professionals in basketball, we do makeup and model all the time." Evoni and Ally laugh and nod in agreement.

*Mariah and Melo in the confessional booth for the show*

"Why do you think that it's unfair?" The producer, Courtney asks as she laughs.

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