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"We're here to see Brielle Andrews." I tap my fingers anxiously on the front desk.

"She's in room 302, on the third floor. Have a nice visit guys." The receptionist smiles, and we finish signing in on the sheet before heading to the elevator.

Mariah hugs me as the doors close, and we stand in silence until the doors of the elevator open again.

We get out quickly, and hurry up to find Bri's room.

I knock on the door, letting Bri's mom and sister know that we're here.

Her mom looks at me with tears in her eyes and shakes her head.

They both hug Mariah before letting us step fully inside the room.

"She's sleeping. She was in a lot of pain, and the doctor gave her something to make her sleep it off." Her mom keeps her eyes on Bri as she talks.

I walk up to the bed and kiss Bri's forehead gently. "Stay strong Bri, we can get through this together."

I pat her leg before her mom slightly pushed me back and changed the subject.

"Mariah, your so grown up now." She smiles and Mariah smiles back awkwardly.

Bri's mom shakes her head and sighs. "I remember when you and my Bri were just little girls. Now she's ruined 'cause of these boys."

She looks at me and I frown. "I ruined her? I was literally in love with her. Don't get me wrong, I still love her, but you seriously cannot blame this on me."

"This was because we both decided to do what we wanted and we ended up with a baby. You stopped talking to her because she was 'failing at life' right?"

"I took care of her and my child in her stomach every single day. Today I wanted her to let me stay home, but she wanted me to spend time with our friends and called her sister over."

"So do not play 'super mom' 'cause you're a shitty ass parent." I stopped myself before I said anything else, or something worse.

Mariah patted my shoulder reassuringly to calm me down.

"Well you stressed her out, didn't you?" Bri's mom asked harshly.

I stayed silent because I started feeling a little guilty about what she said.

"Hell no. Don't put all the blame on my brother. You made her feel like she was never gonna be enough, you drove her away from home, neglected her, yet you wanna blame my brother?"

"Don't get me wrong, I care about Brielle, but she isn't the most innocent person here either. So do not, ever, make my brother look like a bad person." Mariah points in Bri's mom's face.

Bri's sister stepped between them two. "I think y'all should go."

She moves Mariah's finger and pushes her.

"Don't fucking touch me! Y'all deadass wrong for blaming this all on Mikey! Don't worry though, you don't gotta worry about us being around no more bro."

YOU & I - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now