The Beginning

Depuis le début

"Right!" Death said suddenly as if just realising that fact. He snapped his fingers and four familiar faces materialised in the remaining chairs. The young man with wavy hair and the unburdened werewolf shocked Harry, but it was the woman with red hair, green eyes and the man with messy hair and hazel eyes who materialized beside him that had him dropping the cup suddenly. His heart thudded painfully loudly as tears collected in his eyes.

"Mum...? Dad...?" He stuttered out, wide eyes staring with hope disbelief happiness sadness and nostalgia.

"Oh sweetheart." Lily Potter's choked voice said as her hands came around to hug and hold her sweet, sweet child after so many years, the ache in her heart finally abating.

Feeling his mother's arms around him for the first time in forever, Harry's stupor and composure broke as tears ran down freely, his bony hands going around her, his face hidden in her shoulder. Two more arms encircled him from the back as James Potter held his wife and son, the hole in his soul closing after eons. He buried his face in his son's hair, so similar to his own, his arms tightening around them, tears running down his face, his choked sobs muffled by his son's hair. The remaining two marauders looked on, tears of equal parts sadness and happiness running down their cheeks. After a few long moments, the recently reunited family reluctantly pulled apart, though Lily's hand was still entwined with her son's while James's arm was around Harry, as if afraid that if they did leave him then he would vanish.

"How..." He cleared his throat, a dryness from his sudden bout of tears. He picked up his cup, which had miraculously returned to his side. Taking a sip of the warm tea he spoke again.

"How is this possible?"

He felt more than saw Death's incredulous look, as if to say 'Do you even have to ask?' Feeling awkward, he cleared his throat as Sirius barked out a laugh tinged with regret and sadness, but was nonetheless happy.

"Still as oblivious as ever pup." He teased, misted eyes hungrily memorising the details of his godson's face. Words escaped Harry, but the blinding smile he directed at his godfather and pseudo uncle stood for itself.

"Right, now that the reintroduction's are over, let's get down to business shall we?" Evangeline spoke up.

"I am Evangeline, in simplest terms I am the Mistress of Life essentially like how you are the Master of Death."

A frown appeared on Harry's face.

"What does that even mean?" He asked glancing dubiously at the entity who was happily on his second slice of strawberry cake.

All the occupants turned to look at Death. The being slowly chewed, swallowing the bite in his mouth, he spoke.

"I suppose it begins with the three Peverell brothers. Back in their day, they were the most powerful wielders of my magic, they had gone further than others in their pursuit of necromancy and finding unique ways to use my magic. I was pleased with how much they respected me, my magic and I gifted them my hallows. Alas, they grew arrogant, at least the first two did."

"Anitoch bragged about his power, that he outsmarted Death. Cadmus, Cadmus stole from my realm. He may have been one of my favoured but Death is finite, it is the end to everything. You cannot take back which death has taken. Ignotus, was the only one who was smart enough to not take advantage of his gift. The hallows were never meant to be only gifts, they were tools, meant to aid me. Meant to find the one soul who could unite them and attain true mastery over death."

"Aid you?" Harry asked. It was Evangeline who answered.

"The person who unites the hallows is the, I guess you can say, is the human representation of Death on earth, similar to how I am the human representation of Life on earth. Life and Death cannot stay on earth for long periods of time without affecting earth. We are like mediums, you can call it. Half on earth, half in their realm. We usually don't have to do much, but in cases like this, when it looks like civilization is about to implode, we step in and help fix it, otherwise your free to do whatever you want with your immortal life."

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