Aro and Marcus were still in the shower, Caius escaping into the night went unnoticed.
Aro's hand was softly caressing Marcus cock. His fingertips run gently over the hard flesh, bumping over the thick veins, gliding smoothly over the softer tip. They were standing as close as possible, chest touching chest while Aro's head came to rest at Marcus' collarbone. Marcus had nestled his nose into Aro's wet black straight long hair humming under the touch of the smaller vampire. Marcus' hand was running up and down on Aro's back while his other hand cupped Aro's balls, massaging them softly.
When they both lifted their head to enjoy a french kiss they were both starting to pump the cock of the other. Just when Aro wanted to knee down and blow Marcus' cock the ringing from his phone stopped every action.
From the special ringing he could tell it was Caius.
Caius? Wasn't he in the next room?
"What happened to our precious little boy at this time?" Marcus voices his thoughts.
Both vampire kings were moving out of the shower, black fluffy towels wrapping around their hips.

"Yes, my sweet boy?" Aro's voice was luring through the speaker.
"Aro? Is Marcus there too?" Caius' voice was thin and sounded like he was losing his nerves soon.
"Yes, we are both here. What happened, where are you?" Aro moved into the role of the leader immediately.
"I met someone," Caius blurted out.
"Great. Eat them and then come back we are missing you under the shower". Aro gave playful advice.
Caius growls and hissed at the smartphone.
"Little warrior... WHO did you meet?" Marcus was way more diplomatic.
"Aro, you have seen the three little children in my mind-?" He was getting hectic.
"Yes. They looked exactly like him." Aro was speaking to Marcus more than to Caius.
"They are shape-shifting into albino wolves. They are albinos. They are no children of the moon. I have seen them shifting tonight with my own eyes, they are non-verbal and just small children. I...I..I can't leave them here, they are eating human flesh and drinking their blood. They didn't got those bodies open they would have starved" Caius was really losing it now.
"Oooookay. Take a deep breath. Are they with you now?" Marcus questioned calmly. Both ancient vampires and formal Gods knew what would happen if Caius would really lose his shit and Ares would take over the situation. Last time Caius snapped, Rome burned down. Happily there was a Cesare called Nero that was said to be a little weird and so the rumors weren't questioned that Nero had burned Rome down himself.
Or the Trojan war. Another example of what was happening if Ares was set loose.
"Yes" Caius' voice was steady now which made Marcus freeze for a second. That was not Caius the ancient vampire king, the General of the vampire army of the Volturi coven,no. This was his original self. Ares. The God of War. Spend some time with someone and you will get to know them. And after more than 3000 years of joined vampirism they had gotten to know each other. Marcus knows that Caius was too afraid to lose something that was his dear so he pulls out all the violence he was capable of to protect it. He would go to war for it.
"They are your soul-children" Marcus says with a warm smile in his voice. He could see those bonds forming and he was sure it would settle in soon.
"Whether Aro or I would hurt our nieces and nephews. Bring them here, get them safe. There will be no problems. I will inform the coven so nobody would been startled by seeing white wolves" Marcus played his cards.
"Okay. Thanks, can-"
"We are coming and collect you sweet Ares. No need for a war tonight. Don't move" Marcus ended the phone call.
Aro was already dressed in his black dress pants, dress shoes and a black button up shirt, the last button was undone. His still wet hair was put up into a messy bun. Aro ripped the door open just to address the guard in front of it
"Emergency meeting. Everybody in the throne room. NOW!" He barked his orders.
Marcus was dressed in tight blue jeans, dress shoes and a white button up shirt while his brunette hair was put into a ponytail with a black velvet ribbon.
The two Kings were the last ones to arrive at the crowded throne room.
Demetri and Felix were standing in front of the thrones, both just wearing black jogging pants. On Aro's throne was Mina sitting with a still sleeping Juliette in her arms. Jane and Alec were standing next to her ready to defend her.
"Buonanotte my children" Aro greeted his coven.
He sits like a playboy on the armrest of his throne.
"We want to inform you that our dearest Master Caius is coming back to us in the company of his soul-childrens. They are happen to be three and looking like our dear Caius. They are still young children but they already are shape-shifting. They shift into the form of white wolves with red eyes. They are feeding on human food and human bodies. No harm is to come to those children or I will not hold Ares back. He will defend his family." Closed his monologue.
"Oh, more tiny beings," Mina smiled happily. She knew she couldn't have children of her own, nevertheless she had always wanted to be a mother and now she was going to be a six time mom. One child was missing after all she thought to herself. The number 7 was one of the most powerful magically.

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