I did rock + alternative

15 1 2

davil looked at the corner of the ceiling and saw something in the corner something scarí very scarí in the corner of the làs végan pool

it had some sort of grin on its face and it looked like when a 5yr old put on their mother's lipstick

and so that is when davil screamed 

"AAAKEIFHSJIEJHDHEJFHHHHHH" davil screamed like a baby worm with teeth 

"what's te mattie eih yu?" marklip asked

"there's een feding spin" davil answered

"man's shook up so bad that he's speaking Australien" marklip stated

"peaking of Australia, they set loose one of their monsters" davil said

"wor wer?" marklip asked

"dere" davil pointed

"GAHH unholy drúgòs that thing is sent from hell, hell and Australia had a babí and that's the resùlt" marklip stated

"yeaz" davil said

brandini woke up

"theee's a Australien hell babí here" davil said

"what" brandono replied

"dere" mark lip pointed

"OH MAH GEOD HAT'S ROBÈRT SMÌTH" brandono said excitedly

"who what how ho" runní blurted

and so brandono jumped up and ran towards the corner

"robèrt smìth I lòve yoÙ su mooch" brandono confessed

"look here kid, you're lucky it's Friday..Friday I'm in love" robí smèth  

then robì did that little thing in the video where he's dancing or something and he put his hands in the air 

"wœt" runni stated

"duno" davil confirmed

then all of a sudden, the man cartwheeling came running past the làs végan pool had a look of disgust, horror and shock on his fæc with a strange dust

indie rock + alternative + emo = horrorWhere stories live. Discover now