part 8

637 21 10

In doctor cabin

Doctor :  Porche is pregnant..

Kinn : w... what, how long ?

Doctor : 2 and half months and I want to talk to you about this, I hope you will answer my questions correctly.

Kinn : Ok.   ask....

Doctor: Porsche .....what is his age ?

Kinn : Will turn 18 after a few months

Doctor:How long have you been in a
sexual relationship with Porche ?

Kinn : why are you interested in my sex life ?

Doctor: because the porche is pregnant and he's not even an adult.

Kinn : ask directly what you want to ask I'm already angry and don't spoil my mind

Doctor: I want to talk about your husband's safety and you are getting angry what kind of husband are you

Kinn : tell me quickly what happened ,And you don't need to know what kind of husband I am,

Doctor: Ok tell me how long have you had sexual relationship with him ?

Kinn : maybe 6 or 7 months

Doctor: how old was he was back then

Kinn was getting very angry but still he was sitting quietly answering the doctor's questions

Kinn : he was almost 17 years old why the hell are you asking . tell me what happened to him

Doctor: I want to know how you got married to him legally two or 3 years ago when he is not an adult

Kinn : don't ask too many questions otherwise you will lose your life ,Ok doctor

Doctor : You are threatening me, I will report you to the police.

Kinn : ok let's see, who does what

Kin came out of the office in anger, took out his phone and called ARM and said something ,

Porche pov :

kinn was coming towards me i was scared what happened now. he seemed very angry I stood there in horror then came to me and said let's go home

  At home

don't know why kinn is deep in thought he looks sad or maybe angry Maybe Kinn is sad because I hurt his boyfriend .

but what can i do now I shouldn't have hit him in a fit of rage Shall I make something for him as he hasn't eaten since morning just drinking a cup of coffee, Thinking this, I started going to the kitchen, then I heard a voice from behind.

Kinn : Where are you going ?

Porche : going to make dinner

Kinn :  Leave it I have ordered food

Porche : Ok

I wanted to ask what he order but I didn't

i went and sat on the sofa i got busy reading my comics In a short while the food arrived and the servants put the food on the table.

me and kinn sat down at the dining table and started eating In the beginning we didn't talk After some time, when we had finished eating, Kinn went to his office saying that he would come in a while.

i went to our bedroom lying on the bed after taking a shower my eyes slowly closed due to tiredness

it was 1 o'clock when i wake up I was hungry i went to the kitchen to eat something I opened the fridge and found ice cream in it I picked up that ice cream and went to the dining table and sat down and started eating ice cream, then my eyes went to kinn, he was talking on his phone.don't know who he's talking to so late at night Seeing this my blood
started to boiling but I didn't say anything .I quietly ate ice cream and went back to my room and lay down After a while I heard the movement of his coming, then I closed my eyes on the other side and started pretending to sleep. "did you sleep" Kinn asked we will go to another doctor in the morning ,to our family doctor I took you to that doctor in a hurry i said "ok "and fell asleep When I woke up kinn was not there I went down so Kinn was having breakfast he asked me to come and sit I went and sat down, then the maid brought me breakfast. I ate breakfast .

Kinn : get ready we are going to the doctor

I said ok and went to  room

One hour later

Kinn and I went to the doctor, the doctor did a sonography. And take blood for test , we waited half an hour Then Kinn went to the doctor's office

I wanted to go but Kinn refused .i want to know what happened Why did I have to undergo medical checkup twice in a row And what happened to the earlier doctor's report? do you care about me kinn  

     But why would he care about me, I hurt his  lover, slapped him .I am scared I have no one to care for me i am missing my mom dad a lot I wish my dad was alive today then all this would not have happened to me i wanted to study more,want to meet my friends, want to make more friends, want to roam free, i don't want to scare anyone ,i miss everything ,Why am I so lonely and so unlucky , that even my husband doesn't love me. God what did I do wrong ? that you took everything from me ?

I don't know why I got so emotional today i wiped the tears from my eyes and went to the bathroom to wash my face when he came back from bathroom  He was standing outside giving some orders to his bodyguards He came to me as soon as he saw me "Where did you go" he asked me.  

I went to the bathroom I said

Let's go home I want to talk to you about something . do you want eat something he asked

*Yes I want to eat strawberry with honey 🍯🍓*( porche thinking)

no i don't want to eat anything I said

we got in the car and started going home

Kinn pov :

i killed that doctor he was going against me he doesn't know  he was messing with kinn therapayankul.

But I'm worried about Porche he looked sad today .

Words = 1023



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