The Consequence of Human Sacrifice.

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Three years later the Akatsuki made their first move. They had been collecting resources over the past three years, and now they were ready, but Naruto wasn't slacking over the past three years. In his Elite Jonin career he completed 22 S-Ranks, 83 A-Ranks, and 14 B-Ranks. Of those missions he only failed two, and because of this fact he had the best record in Konoha's history, just barely beating his father, and his strength had only grown. 

After Orochimaru's failed invasion Suna and Konoha reinforced their alliance. The alliance was probably stronger than it has ever been because of the new Kazekage. The fifth Kazekage turned Suna around, and he had a very close bond with Naruto. This man was Gaara the Jinchuriki of the One Tail Tanuki. After he had his seal fixed, he went home and started to prove himself to his village. He became the Kazekage not much later and the alliance between Konoha and Suna was cemented. Naruto even became the ambassador for the alliance.

Naruto was currently meditating in his training ground. He still used Training Ground 22 when he trained. It brought back happy memories.

A familiar chakra source approached Naruto. The Elite Jonin turned his head and watched as an Anbu appeared in a swirl of leaves. The Anbu was Lizard, one of Naruto's old subordinates.

"Captain, the Hokage has requested your presence immediately." Lizard says.

"Thank you, Lizard." Naruto responds. Lizard nods and disappears again. Naruto then stands up and performs a body flicker of his own.

Naruto appeared in the Hokage's office a few minutes later. "You needed me, Lord Hokage." Naruto says.

"I am sending you on a mission to the Sand village. We have just been notified that the Kazekage was captured by two members of the Akatsuki." Hiruzen stated.

Naruto nodded his head and asked, "Is this a solo mission?"

"No, Kakashi and his team will be accompanying you there." The Hokage said seriously.

"Yes Lord Hokage." Naruto said. Then there was a knock on the door, and Kakashi and his team walked in.

Kakashi's team had grown a lot in the past three years. Sasuke had become much stronger, and much more polite while training under Naruto and Kakashi. Now he was a more enjoyable person to be around, and he didn't have his superiority complex anymore.

Sai has also grown quite a bit. During his special training with Naruto, he learnt how to separate his two lives. He now showed more emotions and didn't fake all of his smiles. He also stopped insulting his teammates, and he was getting closer with Ino.

Even Sakura changed quite a bit. She was entered into Tsunade's Medical nin class with Ino and Hinata, and she showed much promise in the area. Tsunade noticed her high aptitude in the medical side of being a ninja, so she took on another apprentice. It took Tsunade a while to literally beat the fangirl out of her, but now she was the most promising up and coming Medical Ninja in the village.

Naruto was pleased with the team he was given for this mission. "We leave in an hour Kakashi." Naruto said.

"Sir yes sir." Kakashi replied sarcastically while mock saluting. Naruto rolled his eyes while Kakashi eye smiled.


The team of five left the village, and about an hour later they ran into Temari. The Sand kunoichi was currently on her way back to Suna. She didn't know about her brother yet.

The Perfect Shinobi (Part 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora