How Demon's Fight.

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There are times when all someone needs is a break. This break can help weary muscles or exhausted minds, but Naruto was currently taking a break because of his annoyance. Over the past week his patience had been tested over and over. It was safe to say Kakashi's team was a piece of work. Sasuke was constantly trying to undermine Naruto even though he was inferior in every way. He was the epidemy of arrogance, and it wasn't like how Naruto used arrogance against his opponents, it was straight up pampered prince arrogance. The kind of arrogance you see in nobles who have never experienced hardships. It was unfit in a shinobi.

Then there was Sakura. She was different from Sasuke, but she was somehow more annoying. She constantly defended Sasuke, and belittled Sai, who was usually minding his own business. She had confidence that was very misplaced. She had no skill in the shinobi arts, and her personality was unbearable. Her voice was so loud all of the fire nation could hear her, and she had a superiority complex that almost matched Sasuke's. She was by far the worst of the three. At least it was fun to put Sasuke in his place. Sakura would just yell and make your ears scream in pain.

Sai on the other hand stayed at a distance. Besides a few insults, he called nicknames, he usually didn't even talk to the other two. He did deal with them well though. Sasuke seemed to think of him as a rival. No Sasuke wouldn't say rival he would probably say something like "He is a steppingstone to increase my strength." He's a douche like that. Sakura though would try to punch Sai no matter what he did. She tried too at least. Sai always dodged and acted like it was a game. It was easy for him considering Sakura's pathetic physical stature.

It took Naruto a week to give in, and not come back after his training. The only reason he lasted that long was because he avoided the Genin as much as he could. He had no idea how Kakashi delt with the three nuisances. Maybe that's why he is always extra late for their meetings?

Naruto trained and scouted the town every day on this mission when he wasn't protecting Tazuna, but today he decided to stay in the forest for the night. He needed to stay away from that house. He stayed the night in his makeshift training ground. It was really a clearing he found, but with the amount of damage it sustained from his training session it looked more like a battlefield.

A young man with very feminine features was currently walking through the training ground in wonder. He came out here to look for herbs for his father, but there was nothing left in the training ground. The young man looked around in confusion before he spotted someone sleeping against the tree.

The curious kid walked to the unconscious Naruto. He prepared to grab a needle, but a voice interrupted him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The kid jumped back in surprise. He looked at the now awake Naruto in surprise. There were no signs that he woke up, nothing changed, not even his breathing. The young man studied him further. Naruto had completely open posture and there were no signs he felt threatened. Naruto either didn't know who he was, or he knew that the young man couldn't threaten him.

"What is your name?" Naruto asks.

"My name is Haku... Why are you sleeping out here?" Haku asks.

"Troublesome kids ruined my peace. What are you doing here?" Naruto asked.

"I was searching for herbs. My father has become ill, and I was hoping to make medicine for him." Haku said.

"You won't find any here. You should go to the next clearing South of here. I saw many herbs that could help injuries over there." Naruto said.

Haku's eyes widened. In a second three senbon were in each of her hands. "What is your intention?" Haku asked.

"Did Zabuza tell you nothing?" Haku felt steel touch her throat. She looked down and saw a Tri ponged kunai hovering over her throat. The Naruto in front of her still hadn't moved. He was in the same position against the tree. He sat there like there was no threat in the area, and there wasn't... for him. "If I thought of you as a threat then I would kill you here, but you don't have the eyes of a killer. Your eyes are different from mine and most other shinobi, and for that I will let you go... for now."

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