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"It feels good girl. It feels good,

Oh, to be alone with you."


November 2nd, 2021

I set my pen down and let out a huff of air as I turn my head to glance at the oven clock across the kitchen.

9:47 p.m.

The silence of the large house is starting to get to me as I've done as much lesson planning as possible without driving myself mad. I never turn down the chance to get ahead, but it's getting late, and I need to get home.

I don't necessarily need to be on campus earlier than usual, but with teaching young kids, one less hour of sleep is sometimes detrimental.

Especially when they're crazier than they usually are, which, unfortunately, can't be predicted ahead of time.

Tutoring with Naomi today went wonderfully from beginning to end. She's only improving with every passing day, and I'm sure by the end of the semester, her confidence will have skyrocketed enough for her to read to others besides myself.

Harry came home a bit later than usual. I could tell his mind was otherwise occupied while trying to say quick hellos before scurrying into his home office to get onto an important conference call.

He only came out to help put Naomi to bed just a bit before 8:30 p.m.

I was just beginning to pack up my things to give him the space to work before he stopped me on his way back downstairs.

"Wait...please stay. I'll only be a few more minutes."

After I agreed, he gave me a chaste kiss and rushed back into his office.

It's officially pushing it with how long I've waited for him. Not that I mind the fact that he's busy, because I also had work to do in the given spare time, but I'd rather not wait out in his kitchen for this long.

As much as I would have loved to spend time with him, I understand that work sometimes gets in the way, but I think I would be a bit more willing if I hadn't been left waiting once in the past.

I stand up from my seat, swiftly brush out the wrinkles in my dress, and start packing up my things as quietly as possible. My entire body is ready to melt into my mattress after today, and I know that's partially the reason why I'm so bummed about Harry taking much longer than a few more minutes.

Any other day it wouldn't have bothered me this much, but today, I honestly would have preferred instead to go home and go to bed rather than sit at a kitchen table that isn't mine for nearly an hour.

After slipping my last folder into my bag, I let out a tired sigh, gently rub my temples with my free hand, and take a deep breath to try and relieve some of the tension from my shoulders.

I set my bag on top of the table for now and start walking toward Harry's office.

The closer I get to the closed door, I'm able to hear his muffled voice speaking to someone on the phone. I wait a moment or two before I don't hear him talking, and I take my chance to knock on the door softly.

"Iris-god, I'm an idiot-come in!" He rushes to say.

I turn the handle and push the door open to see an apologetic Harry sitting in his chair behind the large desk.

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