Chapter 21

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Bren dialed Edward's number. He was not quite sure what to say.

"Hello, Hello?" Edward was about to end the call.

"Edward, it is Constable Bren Williams here."

"Bren? How did you get this number?" Edward whispered.

"It was listed on the website of the accounting firm that you work for. I was not sure you would remember me," Bren stated.

"That is odd. I must remove the number from the website, but I am glad to hear from you. We have a lot to talk about. Can we meet for coffee in about ten minutes?" Edward quietly commented.

"Yes, of course," Bren affirmed.

Edward told Melanie he was going out to meet an old friend for coffee.

"Make sure you don't stay away for a week this time," Melanie joked.

"No guarantees," Edward teased.

Bren had a coffee and waited in a quiet corner. Edward entered the coffee shop and spotted Bren right away.

"I am so glad to see you," Edward said as he shook Bren's hand.

"Same here. My counselor had me thinking I was losing my mind," Bren revealed.

"My therapist had me thinking the same thing. Tell me you remember my sister," Edward was full of hope.

"I do. Tell me you know about the portals," Bren countered as he pulled a rag doll from his pocket.

Edward's eyes widened, and he quickly looked around the coffee shop and then pulled a similar doll from his pocket.

"What does this mean?" Bren noticed a bead of sweat on Edward's forehead.

"I am not sure. I thought this was all over now, and I was the only one with a memory of what happened," Edward shook his head and explained what happened to Candace and the changes in his family.

"I suspected as much when you were not at the theatre. My reputation with the police force is shot, so I am considering early retirement. I almost wish this thing could take me to another time and place," Bren pressed on the doll. Nothing happened. Edward pressed on his doll, and nothing happened either. They both burst out in loud laughter.

"We need to be near an open portal for them to work. The priest in Peterborough said the portals were closed when Candace made her sacrifice," Edward explained.

"Let's hope the priest is right," Bren commented.

"I think my wife would divorce me if that thing had taken me away again," Edward chuckled.

"That was quite a risk for you then. Well, at least we know we have to move on from here," Bren suggested.

"You are right. We should keep in touch. If there is anything I can do to help you let me know," Edward offered.

"If you could talk to my counselor, that might be helpful," Bren proposed.

"Deal, if you talk to my therapist too," Edward countered.

"It might get us both committed," Bren said with a grin.

"I am okay with that because we both know the truth," Edward laughed.

On the drive home, Edward thought of his alternate life and his many memories of Candace.

He pulled into the driveway, took out his phone, and went to the pictures. There were only pictures of Melanie and the kids. He longed to see one last photo or video of his sister, but he was sure he would remember her for as long as he lived. He thought that his daughter, Candace resembled his sister when she was that age. He was not sure if it was his mind playing tricks. He wished he had pictures to compare.

The smell of freshly cooked pasta filled the house, and children's laughter filled the air.

"How was your visit?" Melanie hugged Edward.

"It was good. It seemed like a long time since we saw each other, so it was nice to catch up," Edward kissed Melanie on the forehead.

"You are still thinking about your sister, aren't you," Melanie studied Edward's face.

"The friend I visited with knew her too. Shared illusion, I guess my therapist would say," Edward grinned.

"You and your friend better not disappear on me," Melanie chided playfully.

"I will never disappear on you again unless you want me to. You have my word," Edward hugged her close.

"Daddy, have tea with us," his oldest daughter pulled on his left sleeve, and the middle daughter pulled on his right sleeve while the youngest, Candace, arranged the teacups.

Edward joined the three girls as they played at imaginary tea.

"Well, what should we talk about?" Edward said to the girls.

"Daddy, do you remember when I jumped into the abyss at the big church?" Candace asked as she poured his imaginary tea.

The End

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