The Sword of Promised Victory

Start from the beginning

Sure I could bob and weave as much as I wanted. But landing a blow that DID anything?  Well.. 

I mean at least I tried.


I turned into a high speed blur of motion, my fists and kicks appearing out of nowhere all over Juggy from every direction, letting loose a blitzkrieg of Spider Strength and speed that had plenty of the NFF flunkies backing up in complete shock.

But as I hurled out all my physical prowess straight into Juggy, he continued to power through me, my power all deflected off an invisible force shield that seemed to cover Marko like a second skin, growing harder and more unbreakable the more he moved. 

I was in over my head.

There was no way I could take him down myself. 

This was a job for the Avengers. 

Of course it was. I got lucky the first time I faced him, and I was still a kid. This wasn't some bank heist, this was-.

I considered retreating for only the briefest moment, then I saw them.. 

A mother holding her child, her leg twisted and broken, unable to leave the scene.. people trapped in their building thanks to rubble. 

If I left.. if Juggernaut stopped focusing on me.. 

There was no retreat here.  Even if I lived to fight another day, these people definitely wouldn't get that chance.

I had to talk. I had to stall. Until some bigger names got here. I heard Thor was back in  New york.. if anyone could do something about Juggernaut he could..  

Yeah, stall.. talk, he's an idiot with an arrogant streak half a mile wide, he'll walk right into it.

"Hey Juggy!" I yelled as I dodged another swipe from Juggy's fist, his punch alone sending a shockwave erupting through the street like gale force winds.  "What you even doing here anyways!? Ya hire those peeps?"

"WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW!?" roared Juggernaut. 

"I mean, yeah, that's why I asked." I said as I landed on a nearby perch on an overlooking the square.  "I mean what's the point of this? Run into a random street? Cause some havoc.. and what? Like some guy hire you to steal the church bell or something?" 

"AGGGH!! You running around here is already a shitshow when I just need that DAMN WHOEVER to SHOW UP!!" roared Juggernaut as he turned to look at me, stomping in frustration, the street shaking a great deal from that impact alone. 

"Wait.. no way, that's right, the thugs mentioned that. You're trying to draw someone here. Somebody specific right?" I said. "Who ya looking for? Wolverine? Hulk? OHH OHH I know, Oprah Winfrey?! Don't know about that Jugs, you sure you need a free car when you already run faster than one? Are you just a vehicle enthusiast or-?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Juggernaut grabbed a delivery truck and threw it. 

Whoa.. the mouth on this man. Captain America would have a fit. 

I somersaulted over the truck as Jugs then grabbed another truck with a single hand and another one in the other. 

"Just what's with all these trucks!?" I yelled as I twisted in mid air to avoid clipping the tire of the third truck thrown straight at me before I then shot a web from my wrist to pull myself away from the fourth truck.  "Don't tell me the Crimson Gem thing also has the power to summon Trucks! Wait.. your power is basically running over people.. are you SURE you weren't actually bitten by a radioactive truck?"

I landed on the ground right in front of Juggernaut. 

He roared and a shockwave exploded from his roar alone, causing me to nearly lose my balance to the point I had to rely on my sticky feet to keep from falling over. 

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