Camilla couldn't deny that Daemon looked as handsome as the last time she had seen him, though then his features had been softened by the darkness and his long silver hair had glowed in the moonlight. Now his face was sharp and his hair had been sheared short to his scalp. White sticks wrapped around his head seemingly a mockery of the crown his brother wore. One hand rested on his hip, in reach of Dark Sister, while the other swung by his side holding a hammer of sorts.

Over Daemon's shoulder, Camilla could see a familiar head of white hair following through the crowd. Rhaenyra had cut her tour short and returned to King's Landing. Camilla knew that nothing good could come from Rhaenyra's choice. Viserys would be furious after all the effort he had gone through to prepare the tour knowing his daughter had thrown it away, no doubt embarrassing multiple lords in the process.

As the Rogue prince neared the throne the Kings' Guards drew their swords, pointing them towards the Prince. Daemon finally came to a stop when the tip of a sword met the armor he wore. He looked down at the blade and then back up to the knight wielding it, before pointing the hammer he held in his right hand at his brother, the King.

"Add it to the chair," he said, the weapon slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor.

Murmurs filled the room as people waited to see how the King would react. The Lord Commander sheathed his sword and knelt to pick up the weapon.

"You wear a crown. Do you also call yourself king?"  Viserys asked.

"Once we smashed the triarchy they named me King of the Narrow Sea." The crowd further broke out into whispers believing the Rogue Prince had come to declare himself king of his own kingdom. "But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace."

Daemon dropped to his knee, bowing to his elder brother. The King turned to look at his Hand, seeking advice of some sort that Otto could give none at this moment. The Hand of the King too caught up in his anger at Prince Daemon's surprise return. Viserys turned back to his brother, his eyes softening as he stared down at him.

"My crown and the Stepstones," The Prince removed the crown from his head and looked up to his brother. "are yours."

King Viserys smiled at his brother's words, before looking into the crowd, searching for a particular face. "Well, Where is Lord Corlys?"

"He sailed home to Driftmark."

"Who holds the Stepstones?"

"The tides, the crabs, and two thousand dead Triarchy corsairs, staked to the sand to warn those who might follow." At his brother's words, the King walked forward. The sound of metal hitting stone filled the room as the King used his sword as a cane. Alicent's father followed at a distance, watching Viserys' actions.

Though neither Targaryen paid him any mind. Viserys' attention remained solely on his younger brother, though Daemon's eyes strayed from Viserys' face, meeting the all too familiar eyes of his shadow. A sly smirk pulled at Daemon's lips at the sight of Camilla. In the three years he had been away, Daemon had begun to wonder if he had exaggerated her beauty. Now seeing her again, he knew he hadn't. If anything his memory had faded, understating how captivating she was. As if her presence was enough to breathe new life into him, memories of their stolen moments and nights spent together flashed before Daemon's eyes.

Viserys took the wooden crown from his brother's hand, unknowingly breaking his brother from his lustful thoughts of the Queen as he inspected the item's craftsmanship. Daemon glanced at where Otto stood to the side, a silent conversation passing between the two as the King handed the wooden crown to his guard.

Brother stared at brother as Camilla looked on with baited breath as awaiting her King's judgment. She feared that enough time hadn't passed and Viserys was still angry with his brother, that he might send Daemon away again. But on the other hand, Camilla was scared that Daemon would stay, risking the truth of their relationship getting out.

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