Chapter Eight: Naming the Serial Killer

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"I'll be right back," I told Aurelie calmly before going out into the hallway for the call.

"What do you want?" I snapped sharply while answering the call.

"Hello to you too, sweetie," his voice gravely greeted me. "I see you're doing well."

"Cut to the chase," I sighed as I paced the hallway.

I could hear him smile as he said, "Trouble in paradise?"

A small pit in my stomach developed as our conversation continued.

"What do you mean?" I hesitated.

"You and your boy toy...I thought you were done keeping secrets from each other," he continued.

"I don't know what you're referring to," I replied nervous about where this was going.

How does this fucking man know everything?

He let out a laugh and mocked me as he said, "Well we both know your secret...I'm referring to me."

I rolled my eyes and took in a deep breath.

"But what about what he's hiding from you."

"Leave us alone! Our business is none of yours!" I yelled at him while keeping my voice in a whisper.

"I'm just trying to look out for my babies!" He answered immediately. "Speaking of, how does it feel to constantly let your brother down?"

I flinched a little hearing him say this.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

I couldn't keep up with what he was talking about anymore.

"You don't seem to be paying him very much attention...but that's an issue for another time. Right now we're focusing on your boy toy."

I felt like I was in an episode of Gossip Girl or something. He made me feel like a child who was being told things they didn't need to hear.

"I'm going to hang up now," I threatened him.

"That's funny because I seem to remember that I hold all of the power," he began. "But you're right...I should let you get back to your personal life. I just figured I'd warn you about Thomas' ex."

"Don't talk about him!" I quickly snapped before even comprehending what he had said.

"Come on," He began with a short laugh. "Don't you wanna know now that I've brought it up? Or do you want a tickle on the back of your neck that you'll never quite be able to scratch?"

I swallowed hard and fast feeling my throat dry up. I didn't want to respond to him because I didn't want to give in but he was right; I would be driven insane not knowing where he was going with this.

What the fuck is he talking about? Thomas' ex?

"How do you even know about Logan?" I sighed deeply into the phone.

He laughed and just sighed back at me.

"I'm not referring to Logan. I'm referring to his other ex, Mr. Blake Madison."


"This is why I don't go on runs," I panted struggling to catch my breath.

I bent over and rested my palms on my knees as we stopped in front of our dorm building. We had just finished a three-mile run and my body felt ready to collapse at any moment.

"I think you'll live," Holden laughed at me.

He still somehow looks perfect even with the small amount of sweat dripping down the side of his face. I followed him up the stairs and up to our room. I collapsed onto my bed and finally felt some relief.

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