Chapter Eight: Naming the Serial Killer

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I made do with the material I had about all of the murders so far. There hadn't actually been any new victims in a while which made it a little harder to do my study. The first task I decided on was one of the most important: naming the serial killer.

I looked at the details I knew so far:

Three victims in three weeks, all female, all college students.

TMU Killer? Too basic.

I struggled to come up with good ideas without ruining my Google search history.

The Toronto Metropolitan University had recently switched its mascot from a Ram to a Falcon in order to appear bolder with their sports teams.

I began typing into my document.

"The Bold Murderer".


"Bold Killer".


That's when I thought of it.

"What we know about the 'Bolder Killer' and how safe students should feel".


"Ms. Carlton, this is great work!" Professor Bailey smirked while flipping through my pages. "You're calling out the killer as well as drawing more attention to the schools new motto. I love it. Keep up the good work and have a good break."

I couldn't help but smile as he complimented my work. I had been so nervous to bring it in but it had gotten all of the feedback that I'd hoped for.

I returned to my room feeling giddy about my review and just in an overall good mood. It was also Friday which definitely helped me feel better too.

"Aero! Just the person I wanted to see," Aurelie greeted spinning around in her desk chair.

Her hair was braided into two ponytails and she wore a light purple eyeshadow on her eyes that matched her overalls.

"Yes?" I answered setting my stuff down next to my bed.

"You, me, and our boyfriends are going out tonight," she stated happily.

I shook my head and hesitantly said, "I don't really do well with the whole 'going out' thing."

She immediately sighed while rolling her eyes at me.

"Come on, everyone going to a bar just to hang out and celebrate the fact that it's finally fall break!"

Sunday was when Cole flew in from New York to visit. I was super excited to see him and have a few days' break from my classes. As much as I hated going out I knew that it would probably be more fun than doing nothing.

I sat down on my bed after taking off my sweatshirt.

"Thomas agreed to this already?" I asked her.

She nodded and smiled widely at me as she knew I was going to give in.

"I promise it will be chill!" She began calmly. "Well— maybe not promise but we're going to be chill so hopefully all will go fine."

I shook my head a chuckled a little. Our group didn't tend to have the best luck in these situations so I want to get my hopes up for just a "chill" night.

My heart sped up quickly, a feeling associated with my phone buzzing from my pocket.

I slowly grabbed it out and squeezed it tightly in my hand.

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