"Jungkook," he whispered, his voice filled with longing and determination. "I'm coming for you."

Every corner and alleyway he explored seemed like a maze, but Vantae pressed on, following the faintest whiff of Jungkook's scent.

His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and hope driving him forward. The wind carried hints of the scent, teasing him, as if the universe itself was testing his devotion.

As he continued to follow the trail, memories of Jungkook flooded Vantae's mind, igniting a spark of warmth and love amidst the darkness of the night.

The laughter they shared, the tender moments they cherished-it all spurred him onward, fueled by the unbreakable bond they shared.

The moonlit night watched over him, as if guiding his path in this heart-wrenching pursuit.

Vantae ran through the winding streets and lush gardens, never faltering in his resolve to bring Jungkook home.

In the depths of the night, Vantae's emotions were a whirlwind-fear for Jungkook's safety, anger at the circumstances that had separated them, and a fierce yearning to hold him close once more. Each step he took echoed the beat of his heart, calling out to Jungkook, begging him to hold on.

The scent grew stronger as Vantae neared a secluded part of the kingdom. With every breath, he felt closer to his mate, but the anxiety only intensified as the scent seemed to lead him deeper into the unknown.

"Please be safe," Vantae whispered, his heart aching for Jungkook's well-being.

As the moonlight bathed Taehyung's strong and determined form, he looked up at the moon with an intensity that mirrored the fiery passion within him.

The silver rays seemed to ignite a fierce resolve in his eyes, reflecting the determination of a wolf protecting his mate.

"I swear upon the light of the moon," Taehyung's voice rang out, commanding attention and respect. "If anyone dares to harm my Luna, I will tear them apart with the fury of a thousand storms."

The kingdom of Lendorr stood witness to Taehyung's vow, the night seemingly holding its breath in awe of his unwavering love and the strength of his conviction.

Taehyung's hand clenched into a tight fist, his emotions swirling like a tempest within him.

Jungkook, my love," Taehyung whispered, his voice filled with both tenderness and ferocity. "No harm will befall you while I'm still breathing."

His words reverberated through the night, echoing like a powerful declaration of love and devotion. The moon seemed to shine even brighter, as if it, too, bore witness to Taehyung's fierce determination to protect his mate.

As Vantae continued to follow the fading scent of his beloved Luna his heart raced with a mix of anxiety and determination. Each step he took felt like a heartbeat, propelling him closer to the kingdom of Spiunknds.

His speed increased as he drew nearer to the palace of Spiunknds. He navigated through the shadows with the grace of a wolf, moving with a silent urgency that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

His senses heightened, Vantae remained vigilant, prepared for any unexpected challenges that may arise.

As Vantae's senses honed in on the unmistakable scent of Jungkook within the walls of the Spiunknds palace, a primal ferocity surged within him.

His eyes blazed like molten gold, the intensity of his emotions radiating like a wildfire.

In a moment of desperation, Vantae tried to mind-link Jungkook, attempting to connect with him mentally.

It Ends With Us... { T.K } ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now