Chapter 29

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Third person's pov

In the quiet solitude of Taehyung's room, He found solace in the pages of his treasured diary.

Its worn leather cover held within it a sanctuary for his deepest thoughts and emotions, a sacred space where his heart spilled forth its secrets.

As he settled into the comfort of his writing desk, he reached for the quill, poised to etch the profound moments he had just experienced with his beloved Jungkook.

With every stroke of the quill, ink flowed like a river of emotions onto the pristine pages, capturing the essence of his love for his Luna.

The words wove a tapestry of longing, adoration, and reverence, an intimate portrait of their shared journey.

Chaper #2144: Feelings

"My dearest diary," he began, his voice a gentle murmur that echoed within the stillness of the room.

"Tonight, under the starlit canopy of the ballroom, I witnessed a kaleidoscope of emotions. Amidst the grandeur and splendor, my gaze was drawn to Jungkook, my beloved Luna, like a magnet to its polar opposite."

He paused, his thoughts dancing with the ink as he relished the memory of their stolen moments.

"In his eyes, I saw a reflection of a love so profound that it seemed to eclipse the very universe itself. It was a love that defied reason, that surpassed the boundaries of time and space. And in his embrace, I found sanctuary, a haven where my restless soul discovered respite."

As the words flowed from his heart, Taehyung's ink-stained fingers traced the curves of each letter, imprinting his emotions onto the page.

He continued to express the depth of his feelings, delving into the essence of their connection.

" I have searched the corners of my being, and it is in Jungkook's presence that I have found the answers to the questions that have haunted me. He is the missing piece of my soul, the melody that completes the symphony of my existence. With every breath he takes, I am filled with a love so profound it leaves me breathless."

His quill danced across the parchment, as if guided by an invisible force.

The words that spilled forth were more than mere ink; they were declarations of a love that transcended the confines of this mortal plane.

" Jungkook's touch is a balm to my weary heart, a reminder that love has the power to heal even the deepest wounds. In his presence, I feel a warmth that radiates from the depths of my being, a fire that cannot be extinguished. With him, I am reborn, my soul awakened to the boundless possibilities of love."

As the final words graced the diary's pages, Taehyung closed his eyes, his heart brimming with a sense of contentment.

The echoes of their shared moments reverberated through his thoughts, a symphony of love that resonated within him.

The diary, now filled with the embodiment of his feelings, became a testament to the depth of his connection with Jungkook.

" My dear diary," Taehyung whispered, his voice laden with tenderness, "may these words forever capture the essence of our love, a love that transcends time and space.

With each stroke of the quill, I immortalize our journey, our trials and triumphs, our hopes and dreams. Together, we are bound by a love that knows no limits, a love that will forever be etched in the tapestry of our souls."

And with that, Taehyung closed the diary, its pages containing the sacred chronicles of their love.

In the silence of the room, he felt the weight of his emotions, the immensity of his love for his Luna.

It Ends With Us... { T.K } ✔️ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant