Chapter 25

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Third person's pov

Jimin threw his head back into the pillow in pain,

Jimin was in the middle of giving birth, and he was in a lot of pain.

He had always known that giving birth is painful but he had never realized just how intense it would be.

Yoongi, was by his side, holding his hand and encouraging him.

"Come on, Chim You're doing great love. Just keep breathing," Yoongi said, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Jimin felt another wave of pain wash over him, and he squeezed Yoongi's hand tightly.

He felt like he couldn't go on, like the pain would never end.

But then he heard Yoongi's voice again, and it gave him the strength to keep going.

"That's it, baby. You're doing amazing. I'm so proud of you," Yoongi said, his voice filled with love and admiration as he kissed Jimin's sweaty forehead.

After what felt like hours, Jimin finally gave birth to their beautiful baby. He was exhausted and in pain, but he was also filled with a sense of joy and wonder.

" Congratulations it's a girl "

The nurse immediately cleaned the baby with a towel and handled him to Yoongi.

When Yoongi held their baby in his arms, tears were streaming down his face.

He looked at their baby with pure adoration and love, he gently kissed the baby's forehead.

" It's an Alpha " Yoongi said as he sniffed the baby's scent, bringing her close to his chest.

" H-Hey prin-ncess I am your Appa " Yoongi said kissing her whole face with love,

Jimin looked at them with tired and exhausted eyes and with a little smile on his face,

Yoongi brought the baby closer to Jimin so that he can see her.

" She i-is perfect " Jimin said kissing the baby's head.

" Thank you my love for giving me this beautiful gift, I promise to be here for you and our baby in every step of life. You both are the most important thing in my life, and I love you both more than words can say." Yoongi said as he bent down and shared a soft kiss with his mate.

Soon the baby was taken to have some tests and jimin was shifted in his room,

Everything was waiting outside anxiously, when Yoongi came out having tears in his eyes, he hugged jin tightly,

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Everything was waiting outside anxiously, when Yoongi came out having tears in his eyes, he hugged jin tightly,

" I-It's a gi-irl "

Jin hugged Yoongi back, tears of joy streaming down his own face. "Congratulations my son"

Happiness could be read on the faces of everyone as they heard the news,

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