Fires of War Rise Again

Start from the beginning

Some time flies by...

The shuttle arrives at its destination. The door slides open as Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda, get up and see a cracked-up road with large, tall trees on both sides of the road, and exit the shuttle. "I'll be back around to pick you up after you complete your mission!" Volante yelled to them as Anders responds by putting his hand up, and the shuttle's door slides closed. The shuttle lifts up and flies away back off into the horizon. Fehmeeda spots someone standing by a set of bushes to the side of the cracked road they're standing on. He waves them over as the three-start making their way towards him, ready to hear about information he may have on the city. As they walk up to him, they see him turn around and wave his hand to reveal a green minivan. The three looked at it a little surprised to see it. He turns back around to face them as they get a closer look at him. As they get closer to him being able to see that he looks like the average person. Tan colored skin with a cool undertone. Black hair and amber colored eyes. Wearing the average guy outfit to blend in with the city folk. "Hello everyone, I am Guirec. I will get you inside the city, but first, you will have to change your clothes." Guirec spoke clearly to the three as he turned around and opened the side sliding door of the minivan. Grabs clothes placed on top of the seat, and hands them each a pair of clothes to put on. "You can change in the bushes behind some of those trees if you must, but please do not take up too much time." Guirec told them with a sense of urgency in his voice. The three walked to the bushes behind some of the trees and change into their new clothes. Anders comes out with a black leather jacket, dark grey t-shirt underneath with navy blue jeans and nicely designed white shoes with black outlines, holding his old military uniform. After him, Osmond follows soon after wearing a blue t-shirt and a matching blue plaid shorts and black shoes. they both hand over their old military uniforms to Guirec who goes to the trunk, opens it up, and places them neatly in a black box, folded neatly. As they sit there and wait for Fehmeeda a little bit, some few cars pass by seemingly to have no care in the world that they are sitting on the side of the road. Fehmeeda emerges from the bushes, wearing a nice pink long sleeved shirt, tight jeans, and small midnight black rounded shoes. As she approaches Anders, Osmond and Guirec, she hands over her old outfit looking down at the ground saying in a very apologetic voice "sorry for taking a little too long." Guirec takes her old clothes and places them in the same box all folded nicely. "It's fine, it was not too long but at least you are fine, right?" Anders said putting his left hand on her right shoulder. Fehmeeda nods smiling at Anders kind smile and sympathy. Anders removes his hand from her shoulder as Guirec closes the trunk to the minivan. "Come, we've got some work to do" Guirec told them as he gets to the driver's seat, opens the door and sits inside to get comfortable as he closes the door. The three walked to the side of the minivan with the open door and take their seats inside except Osmond, who seen them get in first before he walks to the front passenger seat, opens the door to claim his spot and closes the door as he got comfortable. The side sliding door closes at the push of a button by Guirec at the driver's seat before he starts the vehicle and drives it back on the road. Within little time of driving, they make it to the giant front dark red gates of the city. The minivan comes to a full stop at the gates and get approached by one of the guards. Guirec rolls down the window as indicated by the guard's hand movement pointing down towards the ground. "Regulatory scan required of everyone in this vehicle if you wish entrance to the city. Noncompliance will result in arrest." The guard told Guirec in a very serious tone. "Of course, sir. Need us to step out?" Guirec replied asking while smiling at the guard. "No, we have MagiScanners that will detect any weaponry on you. Please remain sitting still when scan commences." The Guard said pulling out a device no bigger than his hand, bent at a forty-five-degree angle towards the front of the device; with a rectangular shaped front that has a piece of glass inside with some light giving the appearance of a light reflective red color. He points it at Guirec and within what seems like a few seconds, they all heard a beep followed by "you're clear" from the guard to Guirec. The guard walks over to the door by Anders as Anders rolls the window down for the Guard. The guard points it at Anders for the scan and hears the same beep and then Fehmeeda and they hear the same beep. The guard then walks to the front, around the minivan towards Osmond sitting in the front as Osmond rolls down his window for the guard. The guard points the MagiScanner at Osmond, and they all hear the beep. "Alright, you are all cleared for entry. You may precede inside. Be careful and enjoy yourselves" the guard said to them as they roll their windows back up and the guard signaling them to open the gates for them to enter as he takes a few steps back. The cities giant gates open up slowly revealing a sprawling city inside with tall high-rise towers of all various shapes and sizes. As they drive through the city, they see big holographic magic see through screens playing various ads for various things. Driving through the heavy traffic, prolonging their trip to the destination they need to get too. After a while, having to drive through horrendous traffic; for what seemed like it was taking forever, finally made it out of the first city and entered a long highway that stretches on for a long while. With not many vehicles on the highway at the moment, Guirec speeds up to make up for some lost time. "So, Guirec, anything you can tell us about what we may need to know when sneaking in?" Osmond asks Guirec needing to know if there is anything they truly need to look out for. "For shutting down the auto-defense anti-air turrets, I already have someone sent in to acquire uniforms from a nearby base where you need to go." Guirec pauses a moment to collect his thoughts and continues "You are going to need to sneak in and sabotage their magic powered batteries." Guirec finished explaining to them. "Magic powered batteries? So even if we were to completely shut off the cities power, these defense systems would remain online... at least for a time." Osmond said rubbing his chin with deep thought. Guirec nods "indubitably, that is why it is critical we do this now and then make our way to the next objective." Guirec spoke in agreement with Osmond's conclusion of that particular situation. "What about the cities power supply then?" Anders asked in curiosity. "Though the cities defenses work without any connection to the main source, there are other critical systems that will be disabled when shut off. The city will be completely defenseless if the mission objectives are achieved." Guirec explained to Anders. "What critical systems are those?" Fehmeeda asked wanting to know if it's anything dangerous. "As far as we know, some of those critical systems include but not limited to, there auto delivery system exclusive for their military use. Labs where they develop new weaponry to use against us and any who oppose them." Guirec stops to think a moment, keeping his focus on the road, passing by some vehicles going slower than him. "Communications will be severed. Unless they all know magic, they will be screwed otherwise. They will scramble to get everything back to working order, that will be our chance to leave before our strike on them, sneaking out unnoticed." Guirec explained thinking if there is anything of big importance to mention. "Do take care though... if any of you three are caught, discovered by any means, there will be no rescue. You will be on your own." Guirec finished speaking, making sure that they know the severity of the situation should they fail. After a while, they exit off the highway, making their way through a good-sized town, passing by some houses, restaurants, and some stores. A few hours pass on; by the time they reach their destination meeting up with their contact for the first objective to be tackled. Guirec pulls into an empty parking lot for a nature park where their contact will be waiting and parks. They all open their doors and exit the minivan and close the doors behind them as they walk towards bunched up tall oak trees, following close by Guirec. "Why this place?" Fehmeeda asks as they enter the forest of tall oak tree. "Because we have to make sure that absolutely no one; and I mean no one, can see nor hear us by any means necessary." Guirec explained to her in a stoic voice. "We can't risk their buildings being tapped by use of spy magic. The first thing they will think to look if they get suspicious." Guirec continued explaining. He rubs the back of his head and then says "at least here, aerial magic that lets them fly will not see us from the sky. Deep in here, with many kinds of plant life, there hunting animals will have trouble sniffing us out due to too many plants that give off wild scents that only animals can smell." Guirec finishes explaining. "Remember though, even this will not be a one hundred percent if they decide to scout in here." Osmond added in there for Fehmeeda's convenience of expanding knowledge, Guirec nodding in agreement with Osmond's statement. After a little bit of walking, being completely covered by these tall colorful oak trees; they finally find there contact waiting for them with a military green box on the ground next to his feet. Guirec waves to the contact and he waves back, tapping the box with his left foot. "Everything you need is in this box Guirec." The contact said to him pleased with his own success without getting caught while obtaining the required uniforms. "Excellent work. Leave the city and report back to the ship. We'll take the rest from here." Guirec told the contact. The contact salutes Guirec and starts to make his way out of the oak forest. Guirec turns to face Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda "Alright you three. This is where the true mission is going to start and get difficult. Are you ready?" Guirec says to them in a motivating toned voice. They all nod yes saluting Guirec. "Good! Once you start, there will be no communications. I will hand over what you need before officially starting the operation which has been named Operation Phantom. May the gods watch over your souls." Guirec said to them, motivating them for the mission ahead.

This would be the start to the fires of war rising once again. The world to plunge once more into a global conflict. The three consigned souls have no idea what will be in store for them with the coming war. The question remains, will this be the war to finally break these benevolent kind souls and the world to finally bring a permanent end to itself? Or will they remain steadfast and fight in hopes to bring an end to this Eternity War for good?

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