"One year of loving you"

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Dream's eyes fly over the ceiling lazily, he felt the little child crawl and climb around on his chest, guiding his gaze down to the boy. To his boy, his son who was about to turn one.

One year of sleepless nights, of wearing the same shirt for seemingly weeks on end without showering, one year of good and bad, of painful and beautiful moments. One year of Daniel.

But most of all, one year of love, one year of being a family, one year of having a purpose, one year of loving his son.

Being a dad had changed Dream in the best way he ever thought it could. Being a dad had made him a better person and he knew that the second the nurse had placed his freshly baked bundle of joy in his arms, almost exactly one year ago today.

The child on his chest giggles deeply as he slaps his hands to the side of the blond's face. Dream leans forward slightly, pressing loving smooches to his small cheeks making him laugh even louder.

He rolls himself over, the little one in his arm still chuckling at how silly his dad is.

Daniel was now laying with his back to the mattress, Dream holding himself over the boy, just watching his adorable features as he smiles and laughs.

The baby let go of a big yawn, the few tiny teeth in his mouth poking through his gums visible. 

"You tired my big boy?" Dream asks as he strokes over the baby's face, another yawn creeping over his features.

The man inspects the watch on his wrist, the illuminated numbers showing that it was already past midnight, meaning the child below him was not a baby any longer, he was a toddler now, a one year old. His one year old.

"This happens when you don't wanna sleep at bedtime buddy" he tickles the boy's nose, bright chuckles lighting up the room, and when Dream hears his son laughing, nothing can put a damper on his mood.

The boy babbles and lifts his small feet to his head, accidentally kicking his dad's chin on the way up, the blond playfully huffing at the baby, and quickly picking him up, it seemed they both had too much energy this late at night.

He throws the child up into the air a few times, catching the giggling baby perfectly, until a loud knock at the door disrupts their rhythm of throwing and catching.

"Yeah?" Dream asks as he settles the baby at his hip, his other hand moving to the cold doorknob and pulling it open to a tired George and a very grumpy looking Sapnap.

"What the hell are you doing?" the smaller brunet huffed, hand rubbing over his right eye. He looked creepy in the dark hallway, standing with his long robe, the small night light from Dream's room, throwing flimmering shadows onto his features.

George stepped forward, laying a firm hand on Sapnap's shoulder, a sign for him to step back.

"Dream, why is he still awake?" The taller of the two asked, taking another step closer and scooping the child from Dream's hip, the boy clapping, obviously happy to see his "dada" and uncle Sapnap.

"Well he wouldn't sleep so we stayed up a bit" Dream knew it was wrong of him to have kept Daniel up so long. These past months, they had worked so hard to get Daniel on a good sleep schedule so they could all get their much needed rest, he had probably just made a lot of that work useless and would very likely face repercussions from it in the nights to come.

"It's almost one a.m. Dream" George said in a stern tone, eyebrows raised, both of them watching as Sapnap sighed loudly and walked back to his room, slamming the door. The man was obviously upset at his beauty-sleep being interrupted. The taller brunet shouted a quick "goodnight" into the direction in which Sapnap had just disappeared, before focusing his attention back on the blond in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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Grow up, grow old, but let's do it together (Dnf Kidfic) Where stories live. Discover now