"Accidents happen"

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"Clay, we need to talk" the soft yet stern voice of his mother echoed in his head as he slowly turned around on his heels, the woman stood behind him, her arms crossed in front of her chest, a look in her eyes that Dream couldn't quite point. 

Dream let his head drop to his chest, like he used to when that voice told him he had to do the dishes or take out the trash all those years ago when he was a teen. 

He let one of his hands move to his hair, sliding through the messy locks of blond before noticing something, rather someone, by his feet. 

"Hey buddy" he smiles at the infant crawling by his toes, now trying to pull his weight up onto his own legs, hands clasping onto his father's jeans for stability. 

"Look at you go huh. We're gonna have a walker on our hands soon, won't we?" He bent down and attached his hands to the now wobbly child, lifting him up and making him giggle. 

"Clay, I'm serious" his mother spoke, sending a small smile to her grandson, a more serious look to his father.

Reluctantly he nods, pressing a kiss to his son's face, before slowly walking through the hallway and into the living room, letting himself drop onto the couch, his mother taking a seat across from him. 

"What do we need to talk about then?" Clay spit, so rude it even shocked himself. Mumbling a little "sorry" as he let the child in his arms down onto the floor, the baby crawling over to some discarded toys a few feet away. 

"Clay," the woman starts, taking Dream's hand in hers, and breathing steadily. 

"I think you're going a bit fast with George" she remarked, Dream's mouth dropping and eyes opening wide at her words. His mother was never particularly fond of his close relationship with the brunet. Why she felt that way? Dream didn't really know, he only knew whatever reasons she had, she made George cry the last time the two of them talked on their own, and no reason could validate that. Ever. 

"You're kidding right?" He chuckles slightly, ripping his hand back from her grasp, a quick glance over to the child still peacefully playing on the floor. 

"I just want to protect you sweetie" she tried to explain her motives, Dream huffing out loud in disbelief, quickly rising from the couch, pacing around the living room his arms pressing into his side. 

"Honey, I know you might be upset with me but-" the woman starts, quickly being interrupted by the blond's raised tone. 

"I might be? What do you mean I might be? You're trying to interfere with my relationship, of course I'm upset with you. What is your problem with George? He has been nothing but nice to you" his temper was something Dream didn't quite know how to manage at times, but since Daniel, there hadn't been many big fights or outburst of anger that he had faced, so this being the first in many many months, didn't make it better. 

"Clay honey, I love George, I really do." Her voice was still the same soft high tone it was before. It made him think back to those many fights he had with her during his adolescence, and how crazy it drove him, how it boiled his blood when she showed no significant change of emotion in the way she spoke. After a short pause she continued on. "He's a great guy but I just don't know if you're doing the right thing" 

"And? How is that any of your business if I'm doing the right thing or not? Why should you care, it's my life, I get to choose what I do and what I don't!" His heart was pounding hard against his chest, his face red from shouting, and hands clamped into fists by his side, he was angry, and she could see it. 

Grow up, grow old, but let's do it together (Dnf Kidfic) Where stories live. Discover now