"Drunk words are sober thoughts"

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George turns his key in the lock of the door. It was a long exhausting day and all he wanted to do was lay in his bed and close his eyes, at least for a few hours before Daniel would fuss again.

He steps into the darkness that was their hallway, lazily kicking the shoes off his feet as he lets the door fall shut behind his back. Quietly he curses as the noise made by the closing of said door shakes the entire house, possibly waking one small baby boy, who hadn't really been interested in sleep these last weeks.

He doesn't move for a few seconds listening for noises before walking down the hallway and past the kitchen. He pauses as he hears a slight grumble from the small room, it sounded more like an uncomfortable groan. Was someone in the kitchen?

Very gently he steps forward, flicking the light on and glancing inside. Seeing blond hair splattered on the hardwood floor made him rush to his side, thinking he was injured.

"Heeyy Geogiee" the man, who was definitely not injured, slurred into George's face, the draft of heavy alcohol hitting his nose making him pull back.

"Wha- are you drunk?" George asks, mouth dropped as he watched the man laying on the floor.

"Maybe jus' a lil' bit" the blond slurs again before pulling a bottle of what looked to be Vodka from behind his body, leading it to his mouth.

"Okay no, I think you've had enough already, give me that" George quickly jumps to Dream's side, taking the half empty glass bottle and placing it on top of the counter where Dream couldn't reach.

"George, no I'm toally fin', give that back" the blond garbles, trying to pull himself up on the counter but failing miserably and falling back to the floor.

"You are not fine, you are drunk. Come on let's get you to bed. Daniel is at your mum's I hope?" he bends down, letting the man lean on his arm as he does his best to pull him up straight, quickly pushing the bottle further away as Dream tries to grab for it. Dream nods.

"You smell nice" the other laughs, weight almost completely on George's small frame, making him struggle to stay up right.

"I smell nice?"

"Yes. Strawberry or some'ing" he mumbles, slowly assisting the man in guiding him to the bedroom.

Heavily George drags Dream's body along with him, the other giggling and laughing as they tumble through the empty, dark house.

"Geo'ge, you know what?" The blond questions, halting all his movement, dropping  his weight down into George's side.

"What?" The man huffs, again struggling with holding the man from falling to the floor.

"You're pretty"


"You're a very pretty man George" he elaborates, heavy hand wiping some spare vodka from his lips as a small hiccup passes through his body.

"Let's get you to bed now yeah?" George did his best to ignore the words said, Dream making it much harder as he digs even deeper.

"I like kissing you"

Again George doesn't respond, hoping the other would forget and let go of the topic at hand.

"It fel' real nice Georgie," he says, slow shuffling towards the stairs with George's help.

The older stays silent, hand snaking around Dream's back and holding the man on his waist, adding more stability to the pair as they climb the stairs.

"I wanna kiss you again" he mutters, pausing on the second step and pushing against the man to his side, tumbling and swaying as his vision spun before his eyes.

Grow up, grow old, but let's do it together (Dnf Kidfic) Where stories live. Discover now