Chapter One

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Dedicated to professionallysweet for the cover! :)


To say I was bored would be an understatement. I sat, bored, making random sketches in the back of my book as my science teacher droned on about who knows what. Next to me, my friends talked about the latest fashion, completely oblivious to my presence. I didn't care about clothes or having no one to talk to. I was a loner and I liked it that way. My parents were loners back in high school and stuck together to "survive". I had gotten the gene from both of them. 

The bell rang so I packed up all my books and walked out without waiting for my friends. At my locker, I dumped my books, grabbed my lunch and went to the library. 

Outside the library, rubbish was scattered all over the ground as well as gum from many years past but inside had a clean and warm environment that I liked. 

I walked inside and took the second seat next to the librarian. 

"Anna, your back. How was your classes?" 

"They were horrible. Unfortunately no substitute teachers so I couldn't have study time or whatever. And you?" 

She smiled at me. "Oh, my classes were just good today." 

"Oh ha ha you comedian," I said sarcastically but with a smile. 

"where do you want these books?" A guy asked with a monotone voice and bored face, arms piled with classic books. 

"You can put them on the trolley in Section E," she replied kindly. 

He raised an eyebrow, confusion on his face. 

"Anna here will show you where," she said and gestured to me with a long finger. 

He met my eyes but said and did nothing as I got up. I walked off to Section E without a word, head down and looking at the floor. 

"Why are you serving detention here?" he asked randomly, breaking the silence. 

I looked at him and met his green eyes for only a second before quickly looking away and answering him. "I'm here of my own free will." 

"Seriously? Don't you have a life or something?" he asked, and may I add, quite rudely. 

I didn't react except to clench a fist and feel my nails digging into my palm. 

"I do have a life," I said blandly and quietly. "I just like coming to the library." 

I saw him shrug from out of the corner of my eye and he followed me into the row of books that was Section E. 

He dumped the books onto the trolley but I picked up a couple and put them into their respectful places. 

"what are you doing? She only said to put them on the trolley," he said. 

I didn't look at him. "I try to help her out as much as I can." 

"No life and a teachers pet?" he muttered with a snort but picked up a book and tried to put it where he thought it belonged, but failed. 

Rolling my eyes, I took the book and put it where it belonged. I saw him scowl so I hid a smirk. 

When we- I mean I- finished, I went back to the seat at the desk and ate my lunch. He sat at a table out of our earshot and was looking at his own lunch as if it had the answers to all the mysteries of the world in it but he couldn't get them. 

"Who's he?" I asked the librarian. 

She looked up from a piece of paper. "He's Xavier Scott. He has detention here with me for a few more weeks apparently." 

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