
"A—Are you happy? Are you okay? I. . . I know this is a lot for you to handle too, Daddy. I can see it. You aren't fooling me. You look so sad, even when you're smiling." He frowned, his eyes watering again.

"I will be fine, my beautiful boy. Don't worry about me, do you understand?" The last thing I want is for Noah to worry about me and my well-being. I may have been through a lot, but he just saw his parents decapitated heads, along with finding out his biological mother is dead. Noah's such a sensitive boy, and I need to do everything I can to make him feel better, because honestly, helping him helps me.

"But—" He started.

"No buts. Daddy is strong, I'll be okay." I smiled and kissed his cheek. We were interrupted by Fox barreling down the stairs, holding a large gift bag in his hands.

"It's huge! What is it?!" Noah gasped. Even though he was sad, it was hard to miss the look of excitement on his face.

"Why don't you open it and find out?" Fox wiggled his brows, holding out the bag. "I wanted to give it to you earlier, but I forgot."

"It's okay." Noah blushed, pulling out the pink and white tissue paper.

"Oh my god, a blankie?!" He pulled the thing out so fast, the bag fell to the ground, and in Noah's hands was a big fuzzy rainbow blanket. He smooshed his face into the fabric and held it close. "It's so pretty, thank you!" He reddened, jumping up to hug Fox.

"Of course, I'm glad you like it. I knew it would be perfect for you, gorgeous. Even though it's not much, it was enough to get you to smile."

"It's perfect, Fox. I'm going to sleep with this every day." He smiled then sniffled again.

"Oh no, don't cry babes. Shh." He spoke soothingly, kissing the top of Noah's head.

They pulled apart, and I grabbed Noah's suitcase. Everyone else made their way downstairs, Julian looking at me with a tense smile.

"You good?" His hand landed on my shoulder, bringing me out from my thoughts.

"Yeah. Let's get out of here."

"I got you a few shirts and stuff you can wear, but we'll get more from the agents when we get to well, wherever we're going."

"Thanks, man. You didn't have to do that." I took the duffel bag from his hands and set it on top of Noah's suitcase.

Noah held his stuffed animal and blanket close to him, then moved to stand directly beside me as we walked outside. He glued himself to my side and despite everything happening right now, it was adorable.

We shoved our suitcases in the back of the van and all began to get inside. There wasn't enough seats, but that wasn't something to worry over.

"Of course you're the one driving us." Liam grumbled, taking his seat in the very back with Will.

The atmosphere was tense.

"I know we have our problems, and I will say this again, now is not the time. I don't mean to sound rude, but we need to get moving." Giovani responded professionally, his voice void of any emotion.

Finding Mr. Knight (DDLB) | ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora