Battle of South Japan Sea(I)

Start from the beginning

<<AWACS Long Caster to Kitsune 1,we won't,this submarine now belongs to Osea Federation,attack now means declaration of war,are you clear?>>

<<How unfortunate,attack,sink that submarine at all cost>>-the radio then silence again

<<Well,it's seem like we need to fight,I doubt that the other air fleets heading to us is hostile too.Just like what we agreed,Mobius,Trigger,Cipher,Pixy,Maiden,Talisman,attack the enemy I marked on radar,then if you can,strike the second fleet,we pray for yours success>>

<<Roger that>>-6/12 aircraft of Hawkeye squadron head to the horizon,ready for whatever awaiting

Kitsune squadron,the "bogey" squadron Long Caster detected

<<Beautiful formation,3 squadrons merged into one for a big fight,against just 12,we are out-number them 3 to 1>>-the lead of the squadron speaks,confidently looks at the squadron and he wasn't wrong.All are F-2s or F-15s,with little death ratio,their way of thinking has a solid statement to back it>

<<Careful>>-his wingman however said-<<They wiped out Raiden and Yokai squadrons within 15 minutes,and they have better aircraft than us.Beside,your declaration to them is unnecessary,why did you do it?>>

<<I won't let my honor being destroy,I want t->>



Several explosions rupture the formation,his wingman never heard the full answer,as the plane was eaten by an orange light before falling down,along with three more unfortunate pilot,Kitsune 1 and the rest looking for enemy,when another wave of 4 missiles again shatter their fleet.Just until that,they realize what fired at them-two Raptor,one with a blue ribbon,one with three claws-cruise pass the air fleet at sonic speed,shoot down 2 more aircraft,then turn back.

<<The pilot with the blue ribbon....>>

Another eight explosions erupted,each bringing down one aircraft,including Kitsune 1,he didn't even hear the death coming to him,the missiles came from where the two F-22 came from,when all turned ahead,four more fighters appeared,marching toward them at 800 miles per hour.

<<Half of the squadron is downed by six aircrafts?Damn you all,Kitsune 1 is downed,Kitsune 3 is the captain,all aircraft,engage>>


Cipher take his time to shine,as his aircraft fly into the tight formation,close to enemy fire:four aircraft was destroyed by AAGM,follow by two another with gunshot,his aircraft dancing like a phoenix on the sky,when he fly away from the flame,7 fighter was shot down,their debris rained down the blue ocean,flamed the sea below,but his plane was a bit on fire as well.

<<7!Dammit!Trigger,got me!>>

<<Yes ma'am>>-Trigger pull a cobra maneuver and shot down an aircraft try to attack from above


The aircraft with blue ribbon fall behind Three Strike,surprised him a lot

<<Is everything okay?>>

<<You idiot!Don't call me like that>>

4 more AAGM launched from Mobius's fighter,all scored except one,bring her score to 8

By the time they were talking,Cipher pull his plane up and flip,release waves of cannon to the enemy behind him,killing two more jet

<<Sorry Ma'am>>


One bullet landed on Trigger's wings,carefully injected so the aircraft won't explode or fall.But that was more than enough to make Trigger,who still well within Mobius's gunsight,felt some fear in his gut:

<<Fine fine..>>

<<5 more,let me introduce myself>>-Talisman said,while spinning his jet 180 degree and shot down an Eagle chasing him-<<4 then.Missile away!>>

The AAG missile destroyed the rest of the aircrafts.The sea where they battle now covered in fire and debris,the fight was ended within 15 minutes,and nothing left,the unknown's air force was destroyed.

<<You're better than I thought,Talis,Ace in a day for all of us,except for Maiden>>-Pixy commented on radio chat-<<Poor guy,he's a good pilot too>>

<<Shut>>-Maiden discomfort-<<I'm new to this>>

"Ammunition zero"-Mobius shaking her aircraft a bit-<<I will back to Okinawa and re-arm,the rest back to the former formation,Cipher take lead>>

<<Let us follow>>-both Trigger and Cipher said-<<We're low on ammunition too>>

<<Pixy take the lead then,all aircraft,separate>>

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