Chapter 5: Hell bullet

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Chapter 5: Hell bullet

I was still staring at the crowd of demons who were bewildered by how the duel ended. They looked at me like I was some kind of god or monster. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Zalazar, the elder lich.

"What is that weapon you are using, young master?" he asked me in a low voice. He pointed at the shotgun in my hand.

I was about to explain, but then I remembered that this world was still in the medieval era. They had no idea what guns or bullets were. I decided to give them a brief idea of what a shotgun was.

"It's a metal pipe that shoots small metal balls with magic," I said. "It's very powerful and loud, but it has limited ammo and range."

Zalazar hummed in thought as he looked at the weapon with interest. He seemed to be fascinated by anything that involved magic.

"Interesting," he said. "Can I see it?"

"Sure, but be careful," I said. I handed him the shotgun, making sure the safety was on.

He took it and examined it carefully. He tried to pull the trigger, but nothing happened. He looked confused.

"It's not working," he said.

"That's because it has a safety mechanism," I said. "It prevents accidental firing. Here, let me show you."

I reached for the shotgun, but before I could take it back, I heard a loud noise from behind me. It was the sound of rubble being moved and smashed. I turned around and saw Lila, the succubus general who challenged me to a duel, emerging from the hole in the wall that I made with my rubber bullets. She looked angry and determined. She had a war helmet on her head and a halberd in her hand.

She freed herself from the debris with a war cry and glared at me.

"I underestimated you, prince Nyakura," she said. "But I won't make the same mistake twice."

She pointed her halberd at me and prepared to charge again.

I felt a surge of fear and panic. I thought I had won the duel, but apparently not. She was still alive and ready to fight. I needed to think of a plan B.

"Zalazar, give me back my shotgun!" I shouted.

He looked at me and then at Lila. He realized what was happening and quickly handed me back the weapon.

"Sorry, young master," he said.

I took the shotgun and checked the ammo. I had only one shot left. I had to make it count.

I aimed at Lila and pulled the trigger.


Lila raised her hand as a magical barrier appeared and blocked the bullets. She didn't slow down and charged forward.

"Is that all you got, prince Nyakura?" she shouted. "Your metal pipe is useless against me!"

I cursed and switched my shotgun for a sniper model: Barrett M82. It was a large and powerful rifle that could pierce through armor and walls. I hoped it could do the same to her barrier.

I dodged her attacks as best as I could, but it was hard. She was fast and strong, and her halberd had a long reach.

"Die, die, die!" she screamed as she swung it at me with deadly force.

I barely avoided several close calls, all while screaming in terror.

"Ahh! "

I realized I couldn't use my sniper with how close she was, so I pulled out my revolver that I hid from my back. It was a Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express Revolver, one of the most powerful handguns in the world.

Help! The demon King has a Gun!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें