Friendly reminder

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With your message delivered and your presence looming over her, you turned to leave, the aura of dominance still lingering in the room. As you exited, leaving the Queen to her thoughts and fears, you carried yourself with an air of triumph. Your warning had been given, and you had made it clear that you were not to be underestimated.

Leaving the Queen behind you received a message from your commanding centre.

"What is it?" you asked still annoyed.

"You're needed in your office, my Lord." a female voice responded.

"I'm on my way." a deep sigh left your lungs. You hated to deal with politics, but since you've become the Lord of Nathema, it was inevitable.

It didn't take you long to get to your office and inside were some people waiting for you. Still, you took your time to admire the room since it has been quite some time since you've last been here. The room is designed with a darker aesthetic, featuring dark wood panels and rich, deep-coloured fabrics that create an atmosphere of elegance and sophistication.

The main desk is grand and impressive, made of polished, dark wood with intricate carvings that tell the history of Nathema. The surface is clean and organized, with only the necessary tools for governing the planet, such as data terminals and holoprojectors.

Behind the desk is a high-backed chair, plush and comfortable, but with a regal air that demands respect. The chair is positioned to allow the Lord to observe anyone who enters the room, without being overly imposing. When seated in this chair, the Lord exudes a sense of calm confidence, signalling their unwavering control over the planet and its affairs.

The room is adorned with tasteful artwork and historical tapestries, showcasing the rich culture and heritage of Nathema. These pieces serve as a reminder of the Lord's commitment to preserving the planet's traditions while guiding it towards a prosperous future.

Large windows line one side of the office, offering a view of the planet's landscape and allowing natural light to filter in. The view serves as a subtle reminder of the Lord's connection to the people and the land they rule.

In one corner of the office stands a display case, holding broken metal shards and a helmet with a hole in it. It served as a reminder to all those who fought in the rebellion alongside the Lord, that he wouldn't forget what they did and sacrificed for Nathema.

As one enters the room, there is an undeniable sense of authority that permeates the air. The Lord's presence, while not intimidating, commands respect and attention. Visitors feel a sense of reverence, knowing they are in the presence of a strong and capable leader, someone who can make decisive decisions for the betterment of Nathema and its people.

The atmosphere within the office is composed and focused, encouraging open communication and cooperation. The Lord's demeanour is approachable, but there is an underlying sense of determination that lets others know they mean business. The ruler's authority is not based on fear or intimidation, but on their ability to inspire loyalty and trust from those who serve them.

"Lord (S/N)." they all greeted you collectively and fell to their knees.

"Rise, we have business to do, don't we." you respond annoyed, "Didn't I give you your positions so that I wouldn't have to deal with this stuff? Instead, you call me out of a meeting with an Empress."

"We are terribly sorry, my Lord."

"What is on the agenda?" you ask while taking your seat behind the desk.

"Our scientist mentioned the issue of the food supply. According to their calculations, if the expansion of our military stays at its current rate, Nathema will run out of food in the next three years. Nathema's farmers do not have the capacity of producing enough for a population growing this rapidly. What should we do?" one of the politicians explains.

"That is indeed a rather pressing issue, that I thought you would've taken care of." you state and let a deep sigh escape your lips, "Are there any existing concepts on how to approach this problem?"

"Unfortunately, none that Nathema would be able to do by itself."

You close your eyes for a second to give the topic more thought. In that moment you use an ability you created 'by yourself. Through applying force speed to your thoughts, you can think at a higher rate and process more thoughts and approaches as well as their consequences in a much shorter amount of time.

"I've reached a conclusion." you stated as you opened your eyes again and everyone in the room immediately paid attention, "I will explain 9 essential things to you now that we will foster as much as possible in the future from now on:

Primarily, Advanced Agricultural Research and Development: We will allocate more resources to advance our agriculture's technology and techniques. Establish research centres and collaborate with the best scientists and experts on the planet to develop innovative methods for maximizing crop yields and optimizing the use of arable land. Focus on developing drought-resistant and disease-resistant crops, as well as exploring vertical farming and hydroponics.

Second is Sustainable Farming Practices: Implement strict regulations and incentives to promote sustainable farming practices among the agricultural community. Encourage the use of organic farming methods, crop rotation, and the preservation of natural habitats to maintain biodiversity and soil fertility. This approach will not only increase food production but also ensure the long-term health of Nathema's ecosystem.

Third is Waste Reduction and Food Preservation: Work with food processing industries to minimize food waste and implement effective preservation techniques. Encourage the development of technologies that extend the shelf life of perishable goods and establish food banks to distribute surplus food to those in need.

Fourth, Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch a widespread public awareness campaign about the importance of responsible consumption and food conservation. Encourage citizens to reduce food waste, adopt sustainable dietary practices, and support local farmers to bolster the domestic food supply.

Fifth, Land Reclamation and Terrafarming: Identify and explore potential new areas for agriculture, such as barren lands, rocky terrains, or underwater territories. Use advanced terrafarming techniques to make these areas arable and suitable for cultivation.

Sixth, Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture: Encourage the establishment of community gardens and urban agriculture projects within cities and towns. These initiatives not only increase the food supply but also foster a sense of community and self-sufficiency among the residents.

Seventh, Trade and Diplomacy: While avoiding heavy reliance on external planets, consider strategic trade agreements and diplomatic partnerships with neighbouring systems. Focus on exchanging non-food resources and technology for essential food supplies to supplement Nathema's domestic production.

Eighth, Emergency Reserves and Contingency Plans: Establish emergency food reserves to cushion against unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters or conflicts that might disrupt regular food production. Develop comprehensive contingency plans to manage food shortages effectively and minimize their impact on the population.

And nineth, Encouraging Local Entrepreneurship: Provide incentives and support for local entrepreneurs to invest in food production and distribution industries. Encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, allowing for greater diversity and resilience in the food supply chain.

We will foster those nine aspects as much as possible for the next one and a half years if the production doesn't increase enough in that timespan we will consider seeking external help. Prepare the funds and take the necessary steps to start these as soon as possible."

"We will anger a lot of people by neglecting their interests in environmental issues and stuff." another politician comments.

Your cold gaze caught hers and you locked it in for a moment. Fear struck your victim for that second and you could feel the shiver running down her spine just from that one look of yours.

"Do you really think I don't have the right to neglect the lesser interests in the face of an approaching crisis of this scale?" you asked.

She wasn't able to spout another word and just shook her head in response and after that all of them left the room, leaving you alone, dozing out of the window, letting your thoughts be carried away by the wind. 

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