Chapter 2

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As we walked together through the dense forest, Gusion's astonishment was palpable. His eyes widened, and he struggled to wrap his mind around the revelation I had just shared.

"What? That game of yours is...kinda ridiculous. How the hell does it know all the details about me?" Gusion exclaimed, still trying to process the information. "It's hard to believe that my world is just an app game in your world, and even more so, that you can control us by fighting other people called heroes and dictate our background stories."

I nodded sympathetically, understanding the shock he must be feeling. "I know, it's a lot to take in," I replied, my voice tinged with compassion. "But you have to understand, in my world, this game is a form of entertainment, a way for us to experience your incredible abilities and heroic journeys."

Gusion's eyes searched mine, and I could see the confusion and curiosity swirling within them. As we continued walking, he suddenly looked around the forest, as if questioning the very reality he knew.

"Aside from being a handsome guy, you're also quite tall, aren't you?" I couldn't help but say, trying to lighten the mood. "You stand at an impressive 183 cm, and your dark-brown hair, which shines under the sunlight, adds to your charm."

A faint blush colored his cheeks as he chuckled softly, seemingly pleased by the compliment. "Thank you," he replied humbly. "I must say, you have a way with words."

As I stole glances at him, I couldn't help but marvel at his heart-shaped face and his perfectly sculpted body. Gusion truly embodied an angelic aura, and it made my heart flutter.

He wears a sleeveless black leather vest with intricate gold designs, showing off his muscular arms. His lower body is covered by black leather pants that allow for maximum mobility during combat. He also dons knee-high black boots with gold accents. Around his waist, Gusion carries a belt with various pouches, showing his preparedness for any battle. He has fingerless gloves, enabling him to wield his daggers with ease. A black hooded cape flows gracefully from his shoulders, adding a touch of mystery and elegance to his appearance.

Compared to his dashing appearance, I felt somewhat self-conscious about my plain outfit-a simple t-shirt and shorts. I hadn't even bothered to properly comb my hair or apply makeup. But in his presence, those trivial concerns seemed to fade away, as if the connection we shared surpassed appearances.

With each step we took, the forest seemed to whisper secrets, as if encouraging our conversation. Gusion and I continued talking, and every word exchanged felt like a piece of a puzzle falling into place. He listened attentively, his purple eyes locking onto mine, his genuine interest in every detail I shared evident.

As we delved deeper into our conversation, he expressed genuine surprise and belief in the reality of my world. His trust in me warmed my heart, and I felt an inexplicable closeness to this heroic figure before me.

In that moment, as we strolled together through the enchanted forest, it felt as though time had slowed, creating a haven where our souls connected. I couldn't help but wonder if destiny had played a hand in bringing us together, transcending the boundaries of two distinct worlds.

After a leisurely walk and engaging conversation with Gusion, we eventually arrive in front of what appears to be a grand and imposing castle. He explains that this is his temporary residence but warns me that it's not entirely safe, urging me to remain vigilant.

Inside the castle, Gusion graciously offers me food and drink, making sure I feel comfortable in this unfamiliar setting. To my surprise, he also hands me a set of spare woman's clothes. Curiosity piqued, I question him about the origin of the attire.

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