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You, Y/N was on a mission to bring back the power sphera ClownBot. A power sphera that can be used to make shadow figures of a Clown or its master. ClownBot can also make a fake version of its self to avoid from itself to get stolen by evil thieves. Apparently, the space goblins got the right power sphera and its now keeping it hostage. Y/N's Task is to bring back ClownBot to TAPOPS Station, but after studying ClownBots' personal details, she finds it hard to get. And she cant even use her Gamma in use for fighting, since the power sphera is located in Earth.

"Commander, i dont think it'll be easy if im on my own, and especially, i cant let them know my Gamma." The h/c haired girl said as she was trying to find out a way to bring back ClownBot.

But for the love of the milky way, she was told that she will be okay. Well, maybe? This will be hard for Y/N.

"I mean.. i think i can show some of my Gamma, since like- Some TAPOPS members show theirs too on Earth, right? Well, fuck, maybe." The h/c haired girl mumbles to herself as she tries to capture the power sphera.

"Gamma Shift." The e/c eye girl was no longer hiding, she was now behind the power sphera, ClownBot. Trying to figure out which one it is, she decided to use a scanner. As she started scanning, it was taking long so she decided to just wait a little until it finishes scanning. After it finished scanning, she immediately got the right power sphera, but, the alarm went on.


"Gamma SHIFT!" The h/c haired girl was nowhere to be seen from the vault, where they kept ClownBot, for Y/N's luck, she managed to escape. Well, not really. There were space goblins in her way.

"She took ClownBot!"

"Get her!" The space goblins said as they all charged towards the h/c haired girl.


My e/c orbs scanned around the place, looking for a escape. Still not letting my guard down, i tied my h/c hair up as i got into my fighting stance. I summoned a bow and a arrow as i began to shoot each and every one of them. As i was done i quickly ran towards a free row as i flee out.

I escaped those green.. small.. tiny goblins. I immediately headed to TAPOPS-U. Good thing the others arent there.

"Congratulations in getting back the power sphera ClownBot, Lance Corporal Y/N!" Commander Kokoci spoke.

"Its not a problem, Commander!" I respond as i salute.

"But why not join Boboiboy's team? They could use your help." The Commander suggested.

"I'd apprieciate the offer Commander! But, i think i can work individually." I respond, clearly denying. Since they dont even know about my existence yet. The Commander understood, gratefully. After that, i went back to my place, well to do nothing, wait. Shit.



I immediately rushed to get ready, i took a quick shower, dried my h/c hair, put on my uniform. I started running fast, well i might be late. Oh shit. If only i can use my Gamma- Wait, i have Gamma. "Gamma Shift." I spoke as i now found myself at the entrance of the school, then i just headed to my classroom. Then my best friend, Melissa.

"Hey, Y/N!" She called out for me, which i came near her as i placed my bag to my seat.

"Hey!" I say with a wide smile. Me and Melissa were talking about somethings, until..

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