The Return

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Irene was seated outside when she heard the sound of boots on the gravel, gradually drawing closer. After a few moments, a figure appeared in her line of sight. Irene's stomach plummeted, and she quickly made her way inside the mansion, closing the door behind her. Seulgi and the others noticed Irene's frantic behavior and inquired as to the cause. Irene remained silent, her gaze fixed on the door, slowly moving away. After a brief pause, the door opened, revealing the figure to be...

"Nick..." Seulgi and Jisoo murmured, their countenances paling at the sound of the name. It was none other than Nick.

"I must say, Lisa needs to learn to control her emotions. Look at this mess she's made," Nick said with a hint of mockery, shaking his head at his friend's imprudence. "What on earth are you doing here..." Seulgi breathed before continuing, "Why did you cause this? You nearly killed us!"

"I believe we both acknowledge, Seul, that if I intended to murder you, I would have instructed them to aim it straight at you. However, I did not, did I? I was merely sabotaging something you will come to know in due course. For the time being, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Where is Uncle?," Nick inquired as he leaned on the doorframe with a smile. Seulgi stopped speaking when Nick drew out his firearm and aimed it at Irene. "Why should we reveal it to you when you destroyed the garden, the only remnants of Lisa's-" Seulgi stopped speaking again when Nick pulled the trigger of the gun back and is ready to pull the level. "You believe I am unaware that it is her favourite spot? I know, Seul. As I previously stated, you will soon be aware of the reason, but first, tell me where Uncle is, or a bullet will go straight to your friend's head," Irene's repeated her question.

"I implore you, Nick, to reconsider your actions," Jisoo said, wincing in pain from her injury, while Seulgi assisted her. "They are not involved in this matter. Only Lisa has knowledge of his whereabouts. I beseech you to put down your firearm." As Nick's eyes narrowed, he let out a sigh and lowered her hand. "Very well, I know she won't divulge this information, so I shall have to compel her. You," Nick pointed at Irene again, who was shocked and frozen. "You're coming with me in exchange for answers," Nick said calmly.

The voice on Nick's earpiece had just informed her regarding Lisa's imminent presence. As the signal, darts had been launched across the grand mansion, leaving Lisa's companions soundly fast asleep as Nick's comrades began entering one at a time, their weapons now zeroed in on Jisoo and the others. "Let us bestow my much-loved Lisa a warm welcome, shall we?" Nick said, making his way towards Irene and grasping her strongly by the shoulder. Irene groaned in discomfort, apprehending that the hold was too tight. "Ow! You're hurting-'' Irene's words were cut short as Nick's gun pressed against her forehead while Nick was standing there, staring at the front door in expectation of Lisa's entrance.

Lisa and Luke burst into the entrance, accompanied by the deafening sound of Lisa's firearm. Upon arriving, Lisa was taken aback by the sight of Nick, whose weapon was pointed at Irene's forehead. Lisa's expression soured as she surveyed the scene, taking note of the armed men that Nick had at her disposal.


"Lisa..." Nick's lips curled into a smirk as he laid eyes on her, though beneath the surface, he was relieved to see that Lisa was safe and sound after all these years. "I'll cut straight to the chase. The question is, where is Uncle?"

"Set them free, Nick," Lisa refused to respond, choosing instead to concentrate on the safety of everyone else present. "You are well aware that I will not comply, Lisa... not unless you tell me." The barrel of Nick's gun pressed even harder against Irene's side and he continued, "The clock is ticking." Lisa muttered an expletive under her breath as she deliberated on what move to make.

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